Nico's Vows

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~William Solace was born many things.

He was made to be a dreamer, that much I was certain. A hopeless romantic. When we turned fifteen, he told me all about his plans: how he wanted to propose, what he wanted the wedding to look like, that kind of thing. All that girly stuff he was too embarrassed to confess to anyone else. His face was as red as a tomato as he described to me exactly how he would demonstrate his love for his future wife. I found it rather endearing.

I recall, when he was finally finished depicting his life, what he wanted to name his too kids and all, he turned to me. "Well?" he asked.

"Well, what?" I responded, confused.

"Well, what do you want to do to whoever you fall in love with?"

I scrunched up my nose. "Why not just call her my future wife?"

Will shrugged, with this stupid, beautiful smile on his face. "Hey, I don't assume," is what he said to me.

"I'm not gay," I retorted. 'You're gay.'

He didn't get mad or glare like I expected him to. He just kind of chuckled and looked down at the ground. When I didn't speak, he looked up at me, still face down, and said, "Funny," with no indication he believed anything of the sort.

I still took it as an answer, if a bad one. I leaned back on my bunk, gripping the steel frame as to keep me upright. "I've never given my love life much thought," I confessed. "I didn't think I was going to survive this long."

"So you didn't ever plan?" Will asked in disbelief.

I bit my lip. "There is this one thing, but it's super dumb. Not worth your time."

"Nico," Will reached over and put his hand on my wrist. That single touch drove me crazy, sending pumps of goosebumps all up my arm, "anything you say is worth my time."

I looked at him, right in his eyes, and that was the moment I realized it wasn't "just a crush" anymore. That was the moment I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with a boy who didn't even know I liked him, and quite possibly didn't like me. 

And so, I melted. I told him ever irrational and feminine fantasy I'd ever had in regards to who I wanted to marry and how I would show her my love. 

"Remember how you said you wanted to get married in the springtime?" I said, referencing what he had said earlier. Will nodded understandingly. "Well, me too. That way, I could get married outside, and Persephone could be there. I've hate her, but I'll be ______ if she isn't my florist."

That made him laugh. He was so dang beautiful like that, I figured I had see it again. I continued making bad jokes and watch him giggle and tell me how lame I was. I didn't even care. I was too mesmerized by his radiance.

We talked until we realized the sun had set and the horn was signalling lights out. Will, of course, was frantic.

"I'm the counselor!" he threw his hands in the air. "Frankly, I'd be hurt if they didn't notice my absence!"

"Calm down," I tried to console him. "Look, I'll call Kayla. I'm sure your cabin won't die if you spent the night here so you don't get in trouble for being out past curfew."

Will still looked troubled, but he agreed reluctantly.

"As long as I'm here," he sat down on my bunk, criss-cross applesauce, "let's watch a movie or something."

I can remember feeling really, really hot.

"Uh, okay," I said.

And henceforth, I turned my T.V. on to Netflix. Of course, I put on Supernatural. Will had never seen it, but I always get a kick out of it after watching ten seasons, so I figured it was cool to turn on.

Besides, Jensen Ackles is hot.

After about ten minutes of the first episode, Will wrapped himself in my comforter. Five minutes later, he laid his head on my lap. I wonder if he could feel me blushing through all those blankets. 

After one episode, Will demanded the next. And then the next. Then the next. Needless to say, by the time we feel asleep, we were well over halfway through Season 1. Will closed his eyes before I did, falling asleep on top of my legs. I stroked his hair, hoping he wouldn't wake up. 

I loved him. 

He just didn't know it yet.

Will Solace was born many things, one being my soulmate. He was handcrafted by the gods just for me and for me alone, I can tell. That's why he said "Yes" when he turned sixteen and I asked him out. That's why he had the same response when I asked him to marry me. There will never be anyone who loves me in the way I hope he does, and I will never love anyone as I love him.

Will Solace was born many things. One of those is beautiful.


"Wow, Di Angelo," Will whispered gently. "That was beautiful... and long."

"What can I say?" Nico shrugged. "I had a lot to say."

"Sorry," Will smiled. "I'm just a little bit eager to finally be your-- what?"

The priest cleared his throat and repeated the sentiment. "Do you, William Solace, take this man to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

Will eyes glistened. Oh gosh, Nico thought, almost gleefully. He's about to cry at his own wedding. "I do."

"And do you, Nicola Di Angelo, take this man--"

"Is it even a question?" Nico said, shaking his head slightly. "Yes, I do."

The priest chuckled. He had seen quite a few couple bonded in Holy Matrimony, but these two were sure characters. "Then I hereby pronounce you 'married'."

There were cheers, but all Nico could think about was the man he was kissing.~

A/N: Sorry I didn't post for Nico's birthday! Fortunately, I managed to cram in a little Valentine's day thing. Sweet and short-ish. Whaddya think?

Should I make a Destiel AU?

You all saw it coming.

-- Kris

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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