The Plan... (part 1)

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"Okay," I banged my judge's malat-thingy on the table.  "this meeting of the 'How-To-Get-Solangelo-Together', aka 'mission slightly possible' begins."

"Lou," Cecil said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"It scares me when you're armed."

I playfully glared at him. "So my hammer is a weapon now?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Worked for me."

Cecil coward in his seat. "I feel like you'll smash my head in first chance you get."

I glared for real and raised to malat above my head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jason said. "You guys can work through your weird denying-that-you-like-each-other-even-though-everyone-else-knows-it relationship later. Right now, we're talking Solangelo."


"Okay," Conner Stoll said. "Valentine's day is coming up. Why don't we plan something?"

"Yeah," Travis said. "We already have what you Apollo kids will do at New Years, but we should have something for every holiday."

"As long as we don't do anything with Easter bunnies." Katie grumbled bitterly.

Travis blushed and looked down while Conner laughed.  

"O... Kay..." I said, staring at them. Cecil's brothers were weird. 

"So," Annabeth said, "what should we do for Valentine's Day."

"Easy," Cecil looked at me, his eyes dark, mischievous, and undeniably hot-- wait, no edit that part out! "Do you know how to make a love potion?"

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was buuuuuuuuuusyyyyyyyyyy! Anyway, I feel like Uncle Rick. Don't worry, I'll update soon... maybe. MWHAHAHA. Also, how was the Tratie and Loucil in this? It was fun to write as Lou Ellen. She's gotta be my favorite side-character.

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