Georgian Tacos

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"Sorry!" Kristen walked over to the air vent and started to crawl inside. "I just got obsessed with Danny Phantom and couldn't think of anything else! Make no mistake; I am totally still  obsessed with Danny Phantom, but I have managed to clear my head for a moment. Bye!"

She completely climbed In and screamed. "WHO THE HECK THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TURN THIS ON?!?"

Nico looked back at Will. "This is weird."

"Most certainly. Why would a Mexican put an Italian and a Georgian in charge of making tacos? This makes no sense."

"Idiot," Nico said.

"At least I'm your idiot. That way we can be stupid together."

"C'mon, just dice the tomatoes."

"I can't believe that Piper's making us use tofu. It's an abomination of all things sacred."

"Like white chocolate?" Nico smirked.

"That was one time!"

"One time that I'm never gonna let you forget."

Will playfully glared at his boyfriend before pouncing on his back. 

"Take this!" Will cried, and Nico couldn't help laughing.



"C'mon, let's Lady and the Tramp it up using a taco!" Will leaned in closer as he spoke.

"... But we're both guys."

"Well, duh!"

"Okay. Fine. But don't you think a taco is too short?"

Will smiled mischievously. "Well then, how about we forget about the tacos?"

He crashed his lips on to Nico's and tried to ignore the fangirl inside of him that wanted to scream louder than Kristen Bursts.

A/N: Hey guys! I'd like to add that all of this was the idea of LIAM TAYLOR. All his idea. He should get total and utter credit. LIAM TAYLOR. ALL HIS IDEA. That being said, sorry for being late! Please leave thoughts and prompts in the below comments. I have flipping 135 views (you guys are awesome) and no comments! Sorry if no one else feels like this, but I love comments, looking through them, leaving comments on other people's comments. So if you're awesome, which I'm sure you all are, comment! Bye! Kristen, out!

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