From the Pan-sexual, Emo, Goth Point of View of a Middle School Girl

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Hai, letting my un- PJO fan friend, Naomi, write a chapter. All yours, my emo-goth-panny friend!

Nico pov

Will walks into the school cafeteria with a bright smile on his face, as it always is. No surprise there. I can't help but smile to myself. He sits down next to me at the slightly round table that only we sit at every day. He ruffles my messy jet-black hair.

"Hey there, sunshine." I smirk smugly.

"Nuttin much. How are ya princess?"

I growl.

"I'm not a princess you stupid head." I mutter out with a scowl plastered to my face.

"Your my princess." He says fluttering his eyelashes.


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