Moonlight Songs and Piano (II)

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"Why not?" I whined.

"I said no, Will. Get over it."

We were in Nico's cabin, as usual. It was a lot easier to talk when you don't have fifteen siblings making kissy faces at you behind your boyfriend's back. Anyway, I knew he was good at piano. But when Lou Ellen told me that he could sing, I had basically gone crazy. Nico could do something easily that I have trying to for, like, forever.

So I had told him to sing for me.

Sorry, but really. C'mon.

"Nico, what are you so self-conscious for?"

"I'm not self-conscious."

I scoffed. "Coulda fooled me."  

He glared at me. Then he perked up.

"How about a trade?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"I'll sing if you..."

I held my breathe.

"... Kiss Drew Tanaka."


I feel off of his bed.

Nico smiled his beautiful smile, the one full of mischievous energy.

"You heard me. And then you act like she kissed you."

"She'll kill me!"

Nico shrugged.

I thought about it. "How about we raise the stakes on your part?"


"Swear on the Styx first."

His jaw dropped. "NO!"

"Nico, I'm your boyfriend. I'm not about to tell you to do something that you couldn't recover from."

He considered it. "I swear I'll do whatever you tell me to do."

"You have to sing to me on the big house porch."

"What's so bad about that?"

"You'll see."

"Okay. Deal."

I grinned. Heck, he was gonna regret that.


"This is the single most lame song I've ever heard of."

We were on the porch. I had written a song.

"You have to sing it."

"But you didn't even write any, music for it!"

"Deal with it. Sing."

So he did. The most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

(I haven't written most of the song so I'm having Nico skip to the chorus. Let your imagination run for how it sounds. I just made up the words literally 2 seconds.)

"But only in the darkness is when you need the light

And only when it's darkest can you see  it shine bright?

And only when the sun rises is when you miss the night

And sometimes when the sun burns you need a little bit of Moonlight."

Nico sang very softly, but it was sweet enough to turn the rotten strawberries in the field in to pure gold (metaphor, guys. Otherwise your teeth would be cracked into a million pieces.) .

"That was.." I started, but knew that I couldn't find the right words. Instead, I kissed him.

Then I got up and walked away. I had things to do. And songs to play nonstop on the camp loudspeakers. Repeatedly. Yep. Nico was gonna regret asking for a trade.

A/N: Hey there! It's Kris... duh. I wrote the song and I'm extremely proud of myself. It's called "Moonlit Candles." I'll write the rest later... Anyway, leave thoughts in the comments. Peace out people!

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