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"So, we're supposed to exaggerate to embarrass Nico?" Travis said.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Connor eyed Pollux suspiciously.

Pollux shrugged. "It's what Will wants. Frankly, I think Nico is too much of a cinnamon roll to kill anyone. However, I think Will's more dangerous than he lets on."

The Stolls shrugged. "What's the real harm?"

Connor beamed at his brother. "Are you thinking what I am?"

Travis smiled slyly. "Yes, I am..."


The nest day...

Nico hated being laughed at. Especially when he didn't know what it was about.

It was frustrating. It was infuriating. It was--

"Nico!" Nico turned at the sound of Lou Ellen's voice, over by the girls' bathroom with Cecil. "Over here!"

He casually strolled over.

"Is it true?" Cecil whispered.

Nico blinked. "Is what true?"

"You haven't heard?" Lou Ellen asked incredulously.

"Of course he hasn't, you're always the last one to hear when information is leaked about you," Cecil reminded her.

"What is it?" Nico said. He was started to get really ticked.

"Well, we heard about you and Will," Lou relented.

Nico could feel the crimson flooding his cheeks. "Wha-- What about us?"

"You know," Cecil nudged him with a slight smile, "last night."

"What?" Nico said. Now he was confused.

"I don't know if you noticed," Lou Ellen said, "but Pollux walked in on you guys... well, you know."

"No, I don't."

"In Mrs. Athena's class?"

"I didn't even see Will last night, and I never came back after walking home."

Cecil and Lou Ellen looked at each other. Now they were confused.

"Did you have anything to drink?" Cecil asked.

"Are you implying I got drunk?" Nico crossed his arms.

"Well, that would make sense," Lou supported her Soulmate.

"I didn't drink anything except water and... maybe Sunny D."

Lou Ellen laughed, "Was it Will's Sunny D?"

It took Nico a few seconds to realize what she meant and blushed, making his face look like a tomato. "No-- no I-- I mean I-- "

Cecil snickered. Nico stomped his foot in frustration. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is."

Nico turned around to see Will striding confidently towards them. His eyes... they had this triumphant look in them, like he had won some great battle.

"Hey, Angel," he told Nico.

"Will-- what..." Nico trialed off as Will pressed him against the wall. His eyes still held that victorious look... but something else too. Nico gulped when he realized what it was. Seductivity.

Will chuckled. "Show it off a bit, would you?"

"Show what--"

Will pulled down the collar of Nico's shirt, revealing a bright image of the Sun. Then he pulled down his own collar, showing the crescent Moon.

Then, he got off of Nico, tracing his finger up the latter's chest, flipping up his chin. He walked off, as if he didn't notice the people whispering all around him.

Lou Ellen and Cecil stared at Nico's tattoo. "You... you're his..."

"Soulmate," Nico finished the sentence.

"So you did hook with him last night."

"What? No!"

Cecil giggled. "Sure. That's not what Pollux said."

"What did Pollux say?" Nico asked desperately.

"He said neither of you were wearing shirts, and only you still had your pants on. You guys were making out on Ms. Athena's desk."

Nico's jaw dropped. "Tha-- that never happened!"

"Suuuuuuure," Lou rolled her eyes.

"After what happened with Medusa? I'm not that dumb!"

"Look--" Lou Ellen was interrupted by the bell. "Oh, schist. First period is five minutes."

She ran off with Cecil, leaving Nico to hungry eyes.

He started walking off. He caught snippets of conversation.

"Will Solace was there?"

"He must of been a vision..."

"Did Pollux say if there was any tounge?"

"Ms. Athena's gonna kill them."

"...That's his tattoo..."

Nico suddenly remembered his shirt was pulled. He shifted so that the Sun was once again covered up. He felt his own cheek. It was hot.

"It must have been really hot."

"Probably really rushed, like they were drunk or something, you know?"

Nico tried to cover his face. He started to walk faster. Whispers only got louder, turning into catcalls.

"How is Will in bed, di Angelo?"

"Talk about Angel in the Centerfold!"

"I wonder if he was as fast last night as he's walking right now!"

Nico ran into his first period, which was naturally Ms. Athena's.

Cause that's his luck. His horrible, incredible luck.

Pollux stared at him, a look of pity in his eyes.
Nico glanced at the clock. Still a few minutes to interrogate Pollux.

"What the ____ were you thinking?" he glared.
Pollux looked terrifed. He used the "Come here" motion.

"Look," he said as soon as Nico walked over, "It wasn't my idea. Will asked me what your tattoo was, so I told him. Then he showed me his and said to embelish the story so you were embarassed, because he was mad you didn't tell him."


"Yeah. I went to the Stolls for ideas, and... Well, they said--"

"I know what they said," Nico cut him off. "So, it was Will's idea? Two can play at that game..."

A/N: Sorry if it didn't live up to your expectations. Last chapter had the most comments I've had on this piece. I <3 you guys!

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