That's Sick

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"Hey, Nico?" I knocked on his door. I really couldn't believe  was doing this. "I was thinking, like maybe we could do something tonight? You know... alone?"

Oh, yeah. Lou Ellen dared me to. Yes, I like Nico. Yes, he's amazing. Was I ready for this? No flipping way. It was cold. Cold is not my specialty. If it was summer, maybe I'd be better, but it wasn't.

Any way, I waited a few seconds. Then I started to panic. What if I had scared him off? What if he'd never talk to me again? What if--?

Calm down, Will, I thought to myself. I knocked again. "Nico?" Then I started to really panic.

I pushed the door open. There he was, laying on the floor. 

Not moving.

I ran to him, muttering under my breath. "Oh, gods, oh, gods."

I checked his pulse and sighed visibly. He was just sleeping. On the middle of his floor???

"Hey, Neeks," I said and poked his cheek.

His eyes shot open and he bit me.

Naturally. Girls, never ask a guy out. He'll bite your finger.

"Yah!" I reared back. "What the Tartarus???"

Nico sat up and gave me a glance from the side, the kind that always made my heart flutter. "Why were you watching me sleep?"

I blushed. "Medical reasons. To the infirmary. Now."

"What? Why??"

"Why did you pass out on the floor?"

"I dunno. I felt a bit tired all day, and when I got here, I just... I dunno."

"Well, I wanna. Here." I picked him up. "Oof. You're heavy," I joked. In reality, he weighted, like, ninety pounds.

"Ha, ha," he said. "I'm not sick, if that's what you're thinking."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. Now, shut up. You ARE sick. I can feel it."

I slung him over my shoulder, which I really enjoyed, because-- well, let your imagination finish the sentence.

He complained most of the way there. I ignored him most of the way there.

I was just happy everyone else was already in bed and couldn't see me carrying Nico in this position. 

When we got there, I laid him into a bed and tucked him in, much to his dismay. 

"Hey!" he said and tried in vain to get up.

"No complaining," I chided him. "What are your symptoms?"

"I have none! I'm not sick!"

"One sec."

I got a thermometer out of a drawer. When Nico saw it, he backed up quick.

"What is that?" he asked.

"A thermometer."

He blinked. "No."

"It's for measuring your body temperature."


"I need to just put it under your tongue and--"


"But it doesn't--"

"No, Will! You are not sticking anything under my tongue!"

My dirty mind started working overtime. I shook my head. Hard.

"Umm, yeah, I am. Just hold... still."

After a tireless battle, I got the thermometer into his mouth.

The electronic screen near the end said:


"Oh, my god," I said.

"What?" Nico asked.

"105 is brain damage, so... well, you have a high fever. I'm keeping you until it's cured."

"Nonsense. Gimme some ambrosia."

"All out," I lied.

"Mortal medicine?"

"Don't use it."

"Come on! You must have something you can just send me home with!"

"Sorry," I led through a grin, "but you're gonna hafta stay the night."

Nico struggled against his bonds.

An hour later, he was sound asleep. 

"Told ya so," I muttered.

I don't know why, but I felt like this was my moment. He couldn't object.

I leaned in for a kiss. Just before my lips touched his, his eyes flew open.

"Gah!" he yelled, and scrambled back.

"Sorry!" I lied. Sorry not sorry. "I just... you looked so innocent and--"


I glared at him. "You act like it's so gross."

"Well, no," he rubbed his neck, flustered. Really cute. "I just-- I can't right now."

He settled back into bed and cuddled up against his sheets. Adorable

"Will," he playfully glared at me. "You shook me up to bad to fall back asleep. Sing me a lullaby."

I smiled. He liked me back? Why else would he ask me to sing? Especially with how bad I am?

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine;

You make me happy

when skies are grey.

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't take... my sunshine away."

I started to cry.

Nico turned over and watched me.

"I-- I'm sorry," I said, wiping away my tears. 

"Hey, it's fine," Nico said. His voice was unusually gentle and soft. "Everyone cried, even the greatest heroes."

"You... you just worry about getting better."

It took Nico a second. He closed his eyes.

"I can't believe I'm saying this. Come here."

I blinked. "You mean... In bed... with you?"

"Yeah. Above the covers, though. Hands to yourself."

I blinked again. Then I slowly moved into the bed.

Nico stared at me. His eyes scanned my face. 

"Hey... Will... Why so you care so much about me?"

I considered it. "You deserve someone that loves you, even if that love isn't reciprocated."

He smiled. "Yeah. I suppose I do."

And with that, he fell asleep.

A/N: I was sick earlier this week, so I deemed this appropriate. Also, ONE THOUSAND READS!!! OMG! The only bad thing about this is that I get almost no feedback. Not cool. Comment more. With Internet hugs for all, Kristen Bursts.

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