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There's a quote I found online.
It went: A friend bails you out of jail. A best friend is sitting in the cell next to you saying, "That was awesome."
I never did understand that quote. This is mainly because my friends were smart enough not to get caught.

"Yo, Angel," Alabaster bumped his shoulders against the wall, "is something up?"

"No," I replied, rubbing my temples. There was definitely something up, but I couldn't tell what. I felt colder than I should have. There was a stench in the air, something certainly familiar, but for a reason I couldn't explain it, nor could I tell where I had before smelt it.

"Then why do you look like you've got the mother of all migraines?" Lou Ellen leaned against the bricks next to her brother. She had this look on this face, permanently, that looked as if she was either about to sneeze or pick what to stab. Of course, Lou wasn't a front line fighter. She was a sniper, taking lives from behind the enemy ranks. Or, at least, she would be, if we had any particular enemy. That's not what we did, obviously.

"Guys," Cecil looked down the street. "Kitty, you hungry?"

"Very," Lou licked her lips. In case you were wondering, Kitty's her street name. Mine is Angel. everyone else keeps their regular names, because they're intimidating enough as is. "Why?"

"A delicious-looking caucasian male is walking down the street."

I shook my head, my raven knots swinging in front of my eyes. "We don't just pull in victims off the street, Cecil. You know that."

"I told you!" he snapped at me. "Either call me by my last name, or call me Smooth!"

Then his hand fell off the bricks, causing him to fall into the sidewalk. He was sprawled out spread eagle, completely vulnerable. He scrambled up, dusted off his jacket, and put his hand back on the wall, thrusting his other in his pocket, trying to play it off cool. Holly giggled as Laurel laughed. Then Holly punched Laurel for laughing louder than her.

"Yeah," Lou mumbled, grimacing. "Smooth."

"I hardly think that Markowitz is any better than 'clumsy af', both of which you are," Alabaster grinned. Cecil's face turned a lovely crimson.
"Shut up," was his best (and only) comeback.
Chiara rose from her seat on the asphalt floor, arms crossed, to peer into the street. Where the heck is Damien? He should be back by now."

"Whachya talkin ' 'bout?"

I turned. Damien was at the back of the alley, smiling like a maniac. Over his shoulder was...
"Oh, gods," Chiara covered her mouth. "Damien, did you... Kill someone?"

"Nah," Damien dumped the body on the cement a few feet away. It was a guy about my age, wearing a black school uniform. He has cornsilk-like hair, shagging down almost as long as mine. His thick lips were covering in dark red blood.

"What happened?" Lou knelt next to the body, obviously overly concerned for someone she didn't even know, as usual. But the thing is, now that I got closer, I could smell him.

I can't pinpoint it, I can't describe it. But I had smelled it before. Back when Julia and Lou joined up.
The smell of a newcomer.

"Caught him outside of the community college. We got in a fight over who the best Star Trek character was. Honestly, who thinks Data is the best character?"

Chiara shook her head. "Typical. So, why'd you bring him back?"

"Felt bad," he answered, "even if Q is awesome AF."

"Did you seriously just say AF, like the abbreviation, in a sentence?" I mumbled.

He looked at me as if it was a normal thing to do. "Yes, yes I did. Problem?"

I shrugged. "Not at all. Here, I'll try to wake him up."

I crouched beside the body, putting my hand on his wrist to feel for a pulse. Well, that and he was pretty. His heartbeat was steady, but his breath was shaking.

"Back up," I told my comrades. "He needs CPR."

They all took a few steps back and I leant on his chest, pushing it inward. Then I bent over to pump air into his lungs via mouth.

He tasted like... like an outsider. That probably makes no sense to you, but a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me (I COULD NOT HELP MYSELF I'M SORRY).

Almost immediately, his eyes shot open. They were a dark cyan, and the moment his eyes met mine, I knew he wouldn't smell like an outsider for much longer.

"You okay?" Lou asked gently.

"Where am I?" the boy said frantically.

"Shuuush," Chiara was just as sympathetic with her words. "You're fine."

"My advice is to run. Just run," I told him.

He laughed, not realizing the seriousness of my utterances.

He had a nice laugh.

"Hey," Damien sat beside me, "remember me?"

The boy squinted his eyes. "You. The guy who think that Q is better than Data."

"You have to be more specific. Millions of people think that, since it is a fact."

"I gotta go," he said, sitting up. "I've got a medicine class really early tomorrow and this face needs its beauty rest."

"Wait," Alabaster stopped him from raising, "Damien said he caught you outside of the college. What's your minor?"

The kid blinked. "Medical, why?"

"Damien," Alabaster said quietly, "Haven't we been talking about getting a medic?"

A/N: There will be a part 2! Just... Not right now, because I'm lazy. Bye!

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