Halloween, Reapers, Cupids, and the Start of Something Great.

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Will hated Halloween. As a cupid, a spreader of love, he wanted love, not fear. It was annoying. 

He sighed and looked at the giggling kid, trick-or-treating. At least they were happy. For the time being. Soon, a reaper was gonna jump out at them. Poor kids. If only this were Valentine's Day. Then the kids would be able to see him and he could warn them. 

The sun was setting. On any other day, this would be beautiful, perfect for Will's specialty. Not today. Today, people feared the darkness, the moon. :P.

Will knew the kids who were trick-or-treating. There was Johnny, who had a crush on Miranda, but would be dating Bella by high-school, then their mirage wouldn't work out. Then there was Miranda, who didn't know that she was lesbian yet. Then there was Bella, who didn't know her true love quite yet, but would met him in collage when she was still married to Johnny. Then there was Austin, who would be forever alone because he was going to dump his only shot, Angela. Tragic, really. Who wrote these stories? If Will had his way, everyone would have a Romeo and Juliet love story. You know, without the suicide.

A dark shadow was cast over the kids. Their laughter stopped abruptly. A gust of wind billowed through the empty street. The kids looked around, wondering where everyone else had disappeared to. Then he appeared. One of Will's biggest pet-peeves.

A reaper.

He wore a dark cloak and hood, obscuring his face. At his side was a scythe, covered in blood. he waited, standing silently, until the kids saw him, horror crossing their face. Then he took action and raised the scythe. Screams and runs. 

In short, the kids were gone. Will glared at the reaper.

"Well, that wasn't very nice," Will crossed his arms.

"It's Halloween," said the reaper in an accent Will didn't know. "I'm not supposed to be nice."

"How did you die?"

See, reapers have to die before coming back as a ghost had deciding that they liked being a ghost so much, they would help Death instead of going to the Afterlife.

"Duh," the reaper said. "to become a ghost, you have to be murdered. You have to become a ghost to avenge your death." 

"Oh, right," Will blushed.

"Murder. Electric fire started by a guy named Zeus Lightning in the 1940's."

"Did you like the 40's?"

Will had the feeling that the reaper was glaring at him under his hood. 

"What's with all the questions?"

"I'm curious. Humor me. Maybe take down your hood...?"

"You think I'm an idiot? I know that if you see my face then you can look into my life."

"Smart one," Will commented. He was coming to appreciate the reaper's pure sass. "At least a name?"

The reaper paused before turning away and walking away. 

"Hey!" Will called and ran to him. Even though he could fly, Will preferred walking. "So, I have to research you in the database? That's super annoying."

"Shut it." The wind started to excel as the reaper got angrier. The sun set quicker. 

"Hey, let's keep the elements out of it, why don't we?" Will shouted over the wind. 

That moment, the reaper made a mistake that forever change both of their lives. He turned to look at Will. The wind blew his hood down. 

He was cute. No, he was hot. Really hot. Messy, raven hair and eyes just as black, greeted Will. He had pale olive skin and tiny freckles dotting his nose. The reaper was wearing black eyeliner. No, not eyeliner, more like kohl. He was intimidating, but hotness over ruled intimidation.  

"Nicolas di Angelo," Will read his aura aloud, "died 1940's, has two sisters, one of whom chose reincarnation. And is..."

"Homo-romantic asexual. Yeah I know. And you are... William Solace. Never knew his father. Born a cupid. Worst fear... sun-burn? That's dumb."

"Shut up, Nicolas."

"I hate that name. Nico."

"Okay, then, Nico. Wanna hang out sometime?"

"I'm a reaper. I don't hang out."

"Either that or have me stalk you. Pizza tomorrow night."

"...Fine. I don't want the alternative."

Little did Nico know that he was subconsciously lying to himself.

A/N: Hey, guys!!! After starting to write "Shockingly Cold", I wanted to do the reaper/cupid AU. Just in time for Halloween. Also, August, you will forever be alone. That's what you get for dumping Ariel.

Comment, vote, and be my friend b/c you did.



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