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"Hey! Nico!" Frank was easily visible over the crowd.
"What?" I asked, more than a bit annoyed. It was the first time Will had ever been to New Rome, and I wanted quality time alone with my crush, showing him around. Naturally, I thought.
"Hazel told me you used to play Mythomagics," Frank said.
I glanced at Will, who looked at me all weird. Great.
"Used to," I muttered.
"Can you play one more time?"
Frank shifted uncomfortably. "I made a bet with Julia. See who wins, and I need you on my team."
"Julia?" I asked. "You mean the 11 year old who still wears pigtails?"
"She's freaking talented, descendant of Dies. Says she got practice from her big brother."
"So you need me to face off an eleven year old?"
"Yes. In fact, I need you to. I got $65 bucks running on this."
"He'll do it," Will pipped in. "It's been too long since I last saw him play."
"But I... Oh, only for Hazel."
I turned and kept walking. Will followed me.
"Why'd  you volunteer for me?" I asked, maybe a bit rude.
"It's been too long, like I said."
"Yeah, but..."
Then I slowed down.
"Wait... When did you see me play?"
Will grinned. "Don't tell me you don't remember."
"Remember what?"
His smile only grew. "Let me take you back about five years...

I didn't know who anyone was or what the heck they were doing, crashing randomly into our lake like that. I'd been at camp only a week when you and all your friends--

"Not friends!"

Shut up and let me continue! So anyway, do you remember when you first walked into the Hermes cabin. On your left was Conner, Travis, Amy, and Marissa. On your right, the side I was on, was me, Alyssa, Emerson, and Geff. 

"There was never anyone named Geff."

Yes there was. I saw you, and imminently thought, Well, this is gonna be fun. You were so adorable, looking at everything in amazement. Back then, you had freckles all over your nose. Your skin was a heck of a lot darker, olive instead of whitish green.


Deal with it. It is true. Anyway, you were so young, full of life. You had everything going for you. It seemed like nothing was wrong at all. You looked so peaceful. I remember it all vividly. You came like a wrecking ball and said, "Wow." So did I.

I blushed intensely. Here was my crush, telling me how beautiful I looked first time he saw me. But I still ruined it. "That was a long time ago. I don't remember it at all." Even though it was coming back to me, I wanted him to keeeeep talking.

Conner walked up to you and said, "Welcome to cabin eleven! (I forgot sorry) And your name is?"

"Nico," you said, hardly looking at Conner at all, glancing around like you were in a palace. 

"Welcome, make yourself at home!" 

There was a lot more space than usual, since most campers went home for the winter. You chose the bunk bed across from me. You put all of your things down (which was literally just a bunch of Mythomagic cards) and sat on the bed. You looked around, still in wonder, then frowned like you remembered something bad. You started to groan and laid down on your back. Marissa was the first to approach you.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Well, my sister just joined the hunters of Artemis."

"Oh. Why's that bad?"

"Because," you sat up. "I've literally never been apart from her for more than a school day before."

I remember thinking you were kinda cute when you were stressed out, running your fingers through you short hair. You still do that, you know, just now there's more hair to run your fingers through.

Travis smiled. "Man, I wish Conner would join the Hunters. I would kill to be away from him for thirty minutes."

Conner hit him then coughed. "Yeah, If that's the longest you've been apart, maybe she's just overprotective."

"She is," you groaned. "She abandoned me, but she's always going to baby me. Like, when I'm thirty and she's twelve, I'm still going to be her 'precious little Neeks'."

Geff snickered. "Can we call you that?"

"There has never been anyone named Geff at CHB," I said.

Yes there has. 

You shrugged. "As long as you don't call me 'precious little', I'm cool."

I smiled, because you were.

"So," Miranda said. "Where are you from?"

"Maine?" you said. To me, it sounded more like a question. "Well, really, Vegas, but I don't remember much from there."

Conner smirked. "So you went to Vegas, and woke up in Maine with no clue how you got there?"

"Something like that."

"What about your sister?" I piped in. "What's her name?"

Immediately I saw you darken. I was such an idiot, bringing up a sore subject like that.


The end.

"Wait... what?" I said. Will smirked and started walking again. "But that's not the end! Tell me more?"

"I thought you hated memories from back then."

"Not when..." I trailed off.

"What, Neeks?"

"Not when you tell them."

Will looked shocked. Then he smiled.

"Okay," he said. "I guess I'll tell you more."

A/N: I really want to do a Miraculous Ladybug AU because I'm trash. Please give me this.

So, continue this, or is it good where I left off? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. STILL TAKING PROMPTS GUYS PLZ HELP

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