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Every day, Will Solace and Nico di Angelo, cupid and reaper, get into the same argument. And who can really say what the answer is? It is contingent upon the person in question, really. However, the simple utilization of this small argument had grown to work its way through the veins and into the heart chambers of our heroes. Maybe must I shan't complain, for it was little, huge disagreement the beheld its child: love.

The two were ashamed to admit such a thing, and indeed found it ridiculous, in the meaning as made by our ancestors.  Being together in close proximity was in itself a dreadful misconception, to have to report back to your boss and tell him that you have become platonically involved with a person of the opposite and rival faction! Things were whispered through crowds of equal about the two, embarrassing things of course. Will had once caught pieces of conversation about the two of them being an arrow and a pair of handcuffs more than friends; of course, Will walked away, wishing to unhear something that though he found disgusting (Mostly, at least. There was a small part of himself he henceforth denied). Later that week, he confessed to Nico about what he had eavesdropped. Nico replied with an expression quite humorous: he lowered his coffee mug, tilted his face downwards (while maintaining eye contact), and vocalized, "Huh?"

Will nodded to signal his own response. 

"And you're serious." Nico fiddled with his mug, tossing it stifly from one hand to another and then reversing his past movement.  "You aren't pranking me or anything."

"Yep," was Will's verdict back.

Nico swiftly shook his head, his back raven-like hair falling over his eyes. "No way. Do people actually think we're... you know, doing that?"

Will was unaware of how he should reply, as his investigation of the subject had stopped there, after he had first heard the gossip. "I'm not sure. I don't think we want to look into it, though."

"Uh, yes we do," Nico stood, pressing the palms of his hands against the hard ebony wood of his dining room table. "Like, did you accidentally shoot me with a lust arrow or something and that's what's got them going?"

Will filled in the word "dud" in subconscious attempts to not rile up his hopes to false standards. "I don't think so. I always leave my arsenal at home when I come over to visit."

"I wonder..." Nico suddenly took back to his seat, pensively putting his hand to his chin. His eyes flickered as a realization hit him. "Halloween."

"What about it?" Will asked, stunned  by the sudden change of subject, the cause of which may or may not have been intentionally perpetrated by di Angelo. Then the obvious seemed to shoot its way into Will's brain, shaking him from head to toe with dread. "Oh, right. It's tomorrow."

"Sorry, Will," Nico revealed his marble teeth in a small grin, "but I won't be able to go out for coffee tomorrow. I have a long list of kinds who deserve to be scared senseless."

Will dubiously rose an eyebrow. "Why can't I make rounds with you?"

"What?" Nico's smile seemed to fall off of his face. "But why?"

"Because," Will rose to his feet, already with a decision in mind, "I like spending time with you."

"Is there any way to change your mind?" Nico said with the knowledge that making Will change an opinion was hopeless. One might as well convince a dragon to willingly give a princess into the expectant arms of a knight.

"Nope." Will closed his eyes as he grinned, tilting his head onto his neck. He slowly began to walk into Nico's kitchen to pour himself another cup of the rich, expensive Italian coffee of which Will had been surprised to realize Nico could fit such extravagant things into his budget. After knowing each other and been together (but of course, not together together) for 364 days now, Will and Nico had become quite accustomed to one another. Just as Nico could remember that Will drank his coffee black and had a certain fondness of the culture of the southwest U.S.A (a concept that Nico had only began to understand, even after months of Will ranting), Will knew the Nico had 20-19 vision but refused to wear glasses-- "It's not that bad," Nico would say-- and that he prefered punk-rock over pop style music. Will knew every nook and cranny of Nico's abode. After a few sleepovers, he had even discovered the categorization of Nico's dresser, which was drawer 1: socks and underwear, 2: shirts and undershirts, 3: Pants and (his sister's) stockings, and 4: pajamas (of which , judging by the dust atop the drawer, Nico rarely used). Nico, not one to be outdone, had made Will's house familiar to himself, up until he began to do the laundry before Will protested, claiming it was an invasion of privacy. The point is, both the boys knew practically everything to know about the other. I mean, those late-night confessions got deep.

*Skip to the next day because holy cow I'm on a time crunch-- Heh heh, you know, like the candy? Since it's Halloween? Eh? EH?!*

Making rounds with Nico was a bit more than Will thought he could handle. 

Sure, Nico  hadn't gotten anything quite... gory this time around. In fact, what he was to do was quite mundane, at least, by reaper standards. A few risen dead here or there, sending a cloud over the moon, turning children into whatever their costume was for a few seconds, terrifying both the victim child and his or her friends (a personal favorite of Nico). Despite the run-of-the-mill Halloween pranks and jokes, Will had been scared senseless. After about half an hour, Will was shaking, walking invisible (as he was out of his element) a few paces behind Nico, who seemed more triumphant than usual. Watching him march, Will was reminded of the first day they had met, exactly a year ago. Nico had been on his usual Halloween rounds, unaware a cupid was watching the victimized children from the sidelines, considering their futures in an all-knowing light. After Nico had thoroughly accomplished making the children so afraid that they were sure to tell stories to their other friends, denying their own fright, Will had addressed his less than kind behavior. "Well, that wasn't very nice."

Quickly, an unforeseen circumstance played its way into Will's thought process. "Hey, Neeks?"

"Yeah, Will?"

"I can see people's romantic future so... does that mean you know how people will die?"

Nico quickened his pace. 

"How will I die?"

"Will, I'm not supposed to tell you," Nico took a fast peek behind himself to find Will eagerly awaiting a disappointing answer.

"Well, I know that," Will said. "C'mon, show a brother some love."

Nico's frown deeped, making its way to lines no one seemed to notice on Nico's forehead. "I'm a reaper. I'm not supposed to expirience love."

Somewhere on the road already passed by the two, a twig was spilt by unknown circumstances. Will leaped at the sound, shivering as he came down.

Nico, the sympathetic Nico that only Will seemed to be aware of existence, let his eyebrows bunch up in concern over William. "You okay?"

Will nodded, attempting to quiet his chattering teeth. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Nico turned all the way, placing a hand beneath Will's jaw line to tilt the latter's head skywards. Their eyes locked. For a second, and only a second, Will believed that Nico may make the plunge, that he might actually move in to make their lips meet. And for a second, and for but a second, Nico considered doing just that. Then the two broke apart, Nico with a flush under his eyes and Will with an air of anticlimax. Neither chose to show it.

"We should get home," Nico suggested.

"Yes, we should," Will murmured.

Nico nodded and took ahold of Will's hand, pulling the latter closer onto the prior's torso that Will noticed Nico's heartbeat. But... that was impossible. He's dead. His heart should have stopped, unless...

"Nico," Will whispered, snuggling tightly against the subject, "which is more powerful? Fear..."

"Or love," Nico finished the statement for him, as it was a question that they asked themselves just the same as one another every time they met. "I'm not sure anymore."

"I think," Will contemplated vocalizing his own answer, "I think that they're more alike than people give them credit for."

"And one gives you the other," Nico admitted.

A hush fell over the two and they just held each other, considering the other's notion as they both rested on the conclusion that it was true. The silence was only broken as Will spoke.


"Yeah, Will?"

"Let's go home."

"Okay, Will."


So I couldn't think of anything good, so here you go. A rushed, confusing part two to my last Halloween chapter. In case you were wonder why my voice is all messed up, I read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow for class and I will never be the same. *_* Happy Halloween! I would like to remind you that I am still accepting song AU requests. Also, WHEN DID YOU PEOPLE GET SO MANY? IT'S LIKE EVERYTIME I UPLOAD A CHApTER, BOOM! A THOUSAND MORE VIEWS HOLY COW THANK YOU.

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