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So, I decided on a Soul Eater AU. Cause I can. It's okay if you didn't read the magma or watch the anime; it has nothing to do with the cannon characters. If fact, I'm actually only 3 books/ 7 episodes in. So, sit, and enjoy some souls for lunch and gay shipping for desert!

"Ready?" Nico looked down at his blade.

"When am I not?"

"Good point."

"To battle!"

And so Nico and Deathlight charged into battle.

See, Kid-Kun isn't the Grim Reaper's only teenage son. There are a few that couldn't grow up with him for... reasons. Hazel Levesque was one. Another is the subject of this tale, Nico di Angelo. Sure, he never got proper training, never attended DWMA, but as Death's son, he already had special capabilities. He also got a list of Kishin souls once a month, which kept his mind off of other stuff, like, per-say, his father.

So, back to the present, Nico and Deathlight won the fight.

"Great," Deathlight said. First, he changed into human form: lean, light grey hair, white hoodie and blue jeans. He walked over to the souls drifting around. They made quite a nice meal. Kinda like strawberries.

Okay, maybe we need more exposition. Both Deathlight and Nico are weapons. They had been raised together (even though they weren't related), along with Bianca, but her soul was eaten years ago. Nico decided that he didn't want to be a weapon. He wanted to be in control. So he and Deathlight teamed up. Nico never took on his weapon form anymore.

"So," Deathlight turned to Nico. "What now?"

"Well," Nico scanned his list, "There's a café we can stop at nearby. Then, we have to get Miss Terri, okay?"

"Sounds good."

Deathlight strutted down the alley they had been hunting in. Nico sighed. He hated when Deathlight strutted. Deathlight  was a heck of a lot more confident in himself than Nico was, and it irritated Nico that he couldn't be less self-conscious.

At the café, Deathlight ordered soul-cider. The waitress had no clue what that was, so he said that he would take coffee, two sugars, one cream. The people in Slaughterville, Oklahoma, were really clueless when it came to souls. Nico ordered a hot chocolate instead of getting souls, too. After a while without eating souls, a weapon begins to feel really weak.

After a while, the waitress brought out the drinks. She seemed really flustered. Nico squinted his eyes. The waitress's soul was light violet, a pretty colour.  Its face was extremely stressed, wearing a bow atop her head. Nico wished that he could help.

Meanwhile, Deathlight, who couldn't see souls, complained about the coffee being too cold. Before Nico could tell him off, the waitress agreed and rushed off to get another one.

"What?" Deathlight responded to Nico's glare.

"That poor girl is really stressed. You shouldn't have burdened her."

Deathlight shrugged. "Not my problem."

Nico huffed. He was about to say more when someone walked in.

His hair was light blonde. His eyes were bluer than the sky. A line of freckles dotted his face like constellations. But that wasn't what got Nico's attention. He had the soul of a Meister. The girl in odd clothes trailing behind him was undoubtedly his weapon.

A Meister. Since when was there another Meister in Slaughterville? This was Nico and Deathlight's territory, and everyone knew it.

"Hey!" he boy bounced to the front counter. "Table for―"

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