This Kinda Justed Happened (part II)

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"I can't believe we're actually drugging our friends," I said.

"Hmm," Jason muttered. "Better to think of it as... incentive."

Cecil grinned. "That's one way of putting it."

I reached into the bag I kept my potions and sprinkled a pink powder into the bottom of both Nico and Will's glasses. 

"Now," Cecil said, looking around. "Where are they?"

I sipped from my own glass. Normal water. Good. I was a bit scared Cecil had put some in my glass as a joke. Not that I would need it to fall for him...

What?! No, I never said that! It never happened! Phish! What're you talking about?

Then Nico came to the table, at the same time as Will. I hadn't noticed it at the time, but Nico shot Will a glance. Looking back, the glance said, See? I told you we shouldn't show up at the same time! Now they're suspicious!

To this, Will smiled, shrugged, and took a bite of his cereal. Nico rolled his eyes and told his glass to fill with Capri-Sun. Yeah, he's such a little kid when it comes to drinks.

He took a drink and showed no reaction at all to the juice.

The exact same thing happened to Will a minute later. The Solangelo Shipping Club shot each other nervous looks. I was worried it hadn't worked, or maybe would turn m into cats. Hey, it's happened before.


A week passed with no kind of reaction. The rest of us were starting to get ticked off. Valentine's day was tomorrow, and nothing had happened. I was mad.

I did not go into all that trouble making that potion just so that it could be blown away like nothing. 

I walked to Nico's door after Will's had yielded no response. This time, I was fuming, and I was not about to knock.

The image that greeted me when I opened the door horrified and delighted me at the same time. 

Nico was on his bunk, as one would expect. What one would not expect is the fact that his fly was down and unbuttoned. Also, Will, with no shirt, was on top of him. That, one wouldn't see coming. Will had his legs to either side of Nico's body, and had his head down to give the latter a passionate kiss. Nico was kissing back too. 

The good thing is: I ship Solangelo.


So, after about a minute of them not noticing me, I said, "Not a good time? Got it..."

Will got off quick, blushing like crazy and sat on the bed, staring at me. Nico tried to make zipping of his pants quiet and epicly failed. 


"I didn't see anything," I lied. "Not you two... on Nico's bed... half- naked... about to have--"

"Whoa, don't jump to conclusions," Nico told me, wide eyes.

"We so were, thanks for ruining it, Lou," Will grumbled.

I grinned against my will (Cecil what I did there?). "So it did work..."

"What did work?" Will asked. 

"We gave you two a love potion."

"Oh," Nico sighed. "That explains so, so much."

Will shook his head. "When?"

"Just over a week ago."

Nico and Will both smiled. 

"We've been dating for a month," Nico informed me.

"Oh. OH. So it didn't work because you were already-- oh."

"Promise not to say a word?" Nico begged, suddenly worried. "Jason will FREAK."

"I won't say a word."

And so I left them to do the laundry. Or Netflix and chill. Whatever you wanna call it. 

So, fellow Solangelo shipper, I promised not to SAY a word. I typed this instead.

Yours truly, 

Lou Freaking Ellen

A/N: Sorry it took so long! I'm kinda grounded, so I woke up early. Happy Valentine's day! Happy shipping, and may there be hours of new Tumblr to scroll through!

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