Chapter 1

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"Well...this sucks.." Kagome grumbled as she climbed out of the well with her giant yellow backpack and bow. The area she had emerged from looked similar to the scenery from the Feudal era. She only prayed that the this well was near a village. The priestess sighed and lifted her backpack over her shoulders and began to walk forward, hoping to come across a village.

A few hours later, just as she thought all hope was lost, she spotted a large gate a little ways a head of her. She picked up her pace. In no time, she made it to the gate. She stepped through and was immediately stopped.

"Hey you!" A voice called from her left. She snapped her attention towards a man who was waving her over. She walked in his direction, passing a man that was leaning against the wall staring at her suspicously.

The man had short black hair that reached to his shoulders and onyx colored eyes, with visible creases below them. He wore a standard flat jacket, along with a black shirt, with some type of symbol Kagome didn't recognize, on his shoulder, Shinguards and a black,open front apron with white diamonds on the bottom. For a brief moment, she swore she saw his eyes bleed red.

"Yes, What is it?" She asked as she eyed the man.

"State your name and business," He said.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi and I'm here to...stay," She answered. A little white lie isn't going to hurt. Its not like she could go up to the guards say 'Hey im Kagome. I'm not sure where am I, because I came from another time, possibly another dimension through a well a few hours outside your village. Mind telling me where I am?'. They'd think she was crazy and lock her up in a heartbeat.

"If that's the case, you must speak with our Hokage," he smiled at her.

"Where is your hokage?"The man pointed her in the direction of a large round looking building. As she turned to look at the building she caught the eye of the stranger leaning against the wall. Only this time his eyes were red instead of onyx. She quickly looked away and turned to the gatekeeper.

"One more thing," she lowered her voice,"Who is that man over there?"

The man stared at her as if she had grown another head,"You don't know who Fugaku Uchiha is?!"

Kagome shook her head.

He explained to her that he was the leader of Konohas police force in the Uchiha district. Even though she had no idea what the he'll anything was, she played along. Kagome thanked him and left for the hokage's building. She soon found herself lost.

She stopped in the middle of the the walkway and sigh. "I can't believe I got lost." Her shoulders slumped.

" you need help?" a woman's voice asked. Kagome glanced behind her to see a beautiful woman smiling at her. The woman had long, black hair with bangs hanging on either side of her face. She had black eyes. She wore a simple dark purple blouse with a red-plum skirt and a light yellow apron.

"I was looking for the...Hokage," Kagome smiled back at the woman.

"Oh! I'll take you there. I was heading there myself. My husband wanted me to give him some papers. I'm Mikoto Uchiha!" she held out a hand. Kagome smiled and shook her hand.

"Kagome Higurashi,"

"Kagome? You must be new here!" Mikoto said as she led the way to the Hokage office.

"Yes I just got here moments ago. I wasn't expecting the village to be so large," She answered truthfully.

"Not many people do," The rest of the walk was in silence. Not that awkward silence but the comfortable one. Kagome felt at ease in this village. It had a happy aura surrounding it.

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