Chapter 15

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Kagome happily walked beside Fugaku as they strolled through the village.

"Oh right! I need to get a new Jounin jacket. Mine was left in a forest." Kagome spoke suddenly.

"Tenzo brought it to the house and Mikoto washed it up for you and did repairs that were needed," Fugaku explained.

"Oh. I'll have to thank her later," Kagome smiled.

"Why did you not want Itachi and Shisui to know you were awake?" Fugaku glanced down at her. Kagome's smile fell.

"I'm just not ready to face them. I made them worry," Kagome admitted sadly.

"You know those boys care a lot for you," he said.

"Yeah..." Then she smiled back up at, pushing those thoughts aside. "Anyways, let's go!"

The rest of the morning was spent with Kagome dragging Fugaku around to buy Itachi, Mikoto, Shisui, and Sasuke gifts.

Around noon, Fugaku treated Kagome and himself to lunch at the ramen stand. Sitting there eating Ramen reminded you of a certain blonde haired, blue eyed boy who happened to have the nine tails inside of him. Kagome set her chopsticks down.

"Is something wrong?" Fugaku asked, noticing her strange behavior.


Naruto tugged on Kagome's sleeve and motioned for her to come closer.

She leaned down and allowed the boy to whisper in her ear.

"Kagome... Will you move in with me?"

After a moment, he stepped away. Kagome had wide eyes.

"I-I don't know Naruto. I'll have to think about it."

~End Flashback~

Ever since it had been on Kagome's mind and she finally knew what she wanted to do.

"Fugaku..." Kagome began.


"I've decided to move." she said to him.

"Have you? With who?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Naruto Uzumaki," Kagome said.

Fugaku closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. He knew that Naruto was the holder of the Nine Tails and friends with Sasuke. He also knew that his parents had died and he had no one to take care of him.

"You can do whatever you want to do. I shall support you," He finally spoke.

Kagome smiled at him. "Thank you!"

They finished their ramen and headed home. When they got home, Kagome found none other than Shisui and Itachi sleeping in the living room. Shisui was on the couch and Itachi slept in the chair.

Kagome shook her head and went to the kitchen where Mikoto was.

"Kagome! It's so nice to see you!" Mikoto jumped from her chair and wrapped her arms around the priestess. Kagome hissed lowly causing Mikoto to immediately release her.

"Sorry! I wasn't aware that you were in so much pain!" she said.

"It's okay. The wound is mostly healed, but it still stings a little," Kagome smiled at her.

"Have a seat Kagome. I forgot to ask you something," Kagome nodded and sat down, Fugaku sat across from her with a serious look on his face.

"After the boys took you to the hospital and reporting their mission, I sent a few members to go retrieve the bodies. They found the ones Itachi, Shisui, and Tenzo killed. However the ones you fought were no where to be seen. What exactly did you do to them?" Fugaku explained. Even Mikoto seemed interested.

"W-well you know that sword I carry around, Tenseiga?" Kagome looked at him as he nodded. "Tenseiga is a sword of healing. The former owner of Tenseiga traveled to the underworld, just to save a child. He ended up rescuing probably 1000 souls while he was there."

"Amazing," Mikoto glanced at the sword that happened to be leaning against the wall behind Kagome.

"Anyways. Tenseiga can also open a portal to the underworld. That's where I sent them..." Kagome scratched her cheek sheepishly.

"Did... The previous owner save this child you spoke of?" Mikoto asked, not really interested in what she had done to those dangerous bandits that nearly killed her.

"Yeah. But he couldn't bring her back to life. Tenseiga can only revive a person once. If they die again, it's for good. Since he had revived her before, he couldn't bring her back. Instead, his mother, seeing how much he cared for the girl, saved the child." Kagome explained to her.

"Oh! How sweet of him! He must be a very caring person to travel all the way to the underworld for a little girl!" Mikoto clapped her hands together.

"Oh yeah... Sesshomaru's caring alright..." Kagome muttered under her breath.

"Mikoto... Kagome has made a very important decision earlier." Fugaku looked at his wife.

"Hmm? What's that?" she asked, looking at the girl who she thought of as a daughter.

Kagome took a deep breath. "I've decided to move in with Naruto Uzumaki."

It took a moment for Mikoto to process this. When she did, she looked up at Kagome with sad eyes. "Is this... really what you want?"

"Yes. Naruto doesn't have anyone to care for him. Just because he has a monster inside him doesn't mean he should be treated so coldly." Kagome spoke.

"Kagome will make a wonderful mother someday. I support your decision." Mikoto gave her a sad smile. "It'll be lonely here with you gone though."

"Thank you Mikoto, Fugaku. I apologize for being such a burden." Kagome stood up and bowed to them.

"It was no trouble at all! You were no burden to us." Mikoto reassured.

"If you'll excuse me. I must go inform Naruto of my decision. He's been waiting anxiously for my reply." With that said Kagome left the house and quickly headed for Naruto's apartment. When she arrived, she knocked on the door. There was a 'thump' from the other side and then the sound of the door unlocking. Naruto opened his door and yawned.

"Hey," he said.

"Can I come in?" Kagome asked. Naruto nodded and stepped aside to allow her inside. Nothing really changed since the last time she'd been there. The cards they had played were still on the floor. The dishes in the sink multiplied along with the laundry.

"What brings you here?" he asked.

"Naruto you remember when you asked if I would move in with you?" Naruto nodded his head.

"Yeah? What of it?"

"Well... If you still want, i've decided to take you up on your offer." She said smiling at him.

Naruto broke out into a huge smile. "Really!?"

"Yep!" she grinned. Naruto tackled her into a hug.

"Yahoo!" He smiled at her. "When are you going to move in?"

"Hmm hopefully tomorrow. I don't have many things so It shouldn't be a problem." she told him.

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