Chapter 12

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When Itachi went to wake Kagome, his father was already awake.

"Let her sleep. She's been training all night for the past week," he said before heading downstairs.

"She's been training that much...?" Itachi thought to himself as he woke Shisui who had been saying with them for the past week.

They walked downstairs for breakfast.

"What about Kagome?" Shisui asked as Itachi passed her door.

"Kagome needs her rest. She's been training with us during the day and by herself at night," Itachi explained.

Shusui glanced back at her door once more before catching up with Itachi and nearly running into him at the bottom of the steps.

"Itachi, Lord Hokage would like to know who you are taking on the mission," an ANBU member said upon seeing him.

"I will be taking Shisui Uchiha and Kagome Higurashi with me on this mission," he replied.

"Understood. The Hokage also said another member, Tenzo, will be joining you as well," Itachi nodded and the ANBU member disappeared to go report to the Hokage.

The boys got ready for their mission, Mikoto even packed Kagome's things for her as she slept and put them by the door. When noon approached, Itachi opened Kagomes door and approached her.

"Kagome," he put a hand on her shoulder and shook her awake. On instinct, she grabbed his arm and rolled over, taking him with her.

"Kagome..."he called again. He was right beside her, trying not to fall on her as she cuddled with his arm. He sighed.

"Kagome!" He shook her with his other arm. Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she noticed was an arm?

"What the hell?" Her eyes trailed up the arm to see who the owner was. "I-Itachi!" she quickly released his arm.

"Good afternoon," he smiled.

"Good morning... Wait.. Afternoon! I overslept!" she jumped out of bed.

"We let you sleep in. Father told Shisui and I that you had been training at night as well," he said following her into the hallway.

"I need to pack stuff!" she went to go back to her room but Itachi stopped her.

"Already done. Mother did so while you were resting. All you need to worry about is your bed head, something to eat and shoes," he chuckled.

"Oh..." Kagome grabbed a brush from the bathroom and brushed her wavy hair with it. She put her forehead protecting on along with her Jounin jacket. When she went downstairs, Mikoto already had something prepared for her.

"Thank you Mikoto," Kagome gratefully ate the food.

After she was finished, she slipped on her shoes, ready to leave.

"Before we head out, the Hokage wishes to speak with us," Itachi informed her. She looked at him and felt her face turn red. She hadn't seen him in anything other than his casual clothing and now he was wearing his ANBU gear.

"O-Okay..." she muttered, turning her back to him.

"You're forgetting something," Fugaku spoke. Kagome turned to face him and saw Tenseiga in his hand. He held it out towards her.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot!" she quickly strapped it to her waist. "Thank you Fugaku!"

He nodded and Shisui, Itachi and Kagome made their way to the village to speak to the Hokage

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