Chapter 5

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Itachi loved dangos, more than anything and couldn't hold himself back. It was only when he finally noticed a pair of eyes watching him did he stop and look up. Across from him sat Kagome, who had a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud. His face turned red and ate more slowly.

"The great Itachi Uchiha is powerless when it comes to dangos!" Kagome giggled.

"Am not.." he muttered.

"Ah miss Kagome there you are," the ANBU member from yesterday appeared by her side. Kagome recovered from her laughter and looked at the ANBU.

"Hello. Is it time to go?" Kagome asked. The person nodded. Kagome finished one of her dango sticks and stood, grabbing Tenseiga in the process. "Are you coming Itachi?"

"Yes," he stood and left a couple coins on the table. Before meeting with the Hokage, Kagome and Itachi rushed to the house and grabbed her bow and arrows and then ran to the Hokage mansion

The ANBU knocked on the door and entered. "Sir. I have brought Kagome Higurashi."

"Ah, good good. You are dismissed." The member nodded and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"So. Who are we waiting on?" Kagome asked the Hokage.

"That would be me," a voice spoke from the window. A boy, younger than Itachi, with spiky silver hair and a dark colored eye. A mask covered most of his face. "So you are my opponent?"

"Yes. I'm Kagome. You must be Kakashi Hatake. Itachi spoke about you earlier," Kagome flashed the silver haired ninja a smile. She knew better than to underestimate others.

"Well, Kagome, let's get going shall we. Meet me in the training grounds soon," he made a sign and disappeared like the ANBU.

"Itachi will you be watching as well?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes. I will. I will take Kagome to the training grounds." The Hokage nodded and Itachi stepped closer to Kagome. "We'll use transportation Jutsu..."

"Like what Kakashi just did?" she questioned.

"Yep!" Itachi wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist and pulled her closer to him. He did the same sign Kakashi did and they disappeared. When the smoke cleared Kagome found herself in what she assumed was the training grounds.

Next the Hokage, and a few others, such as a tired Sasuke, Fugaku and Mikoto, also appeared. Itachi released her and went to stand with his parents and little brother.

Kakashi stood in front of her.

"Ready Be-" the Hokage was interrupted.

"Wait!" Mikoto rushed to Kagome's side. "Kagome do you not know how to strap that sword to your waist?"

"Uh... No..." she admitted.

Mikoto smiled at her and helped Kagome strap the sword to her waist. "There now it won't get in the way!"

Tenseiga hummed in approvement. "Thanks," Kagome said. Mikoto rushed back to her family and apologized to the Hokage.

"Alright. Begin," he said.

Kagome stood there and waited for Kakashi to make his first move. She knew he would underestimate her because she appeared weak and didn't have the same tools he had. Nor could she use any type of jutsu.

Kakashi analyzed her. "She's not a ninja...she won't be able to use jutsu or anything... But what other abilities does she possess."

"Come on same make a move!" the voice of a little boy yelled. Kagome glanced over and saw a small blonde haired, blue eyed boy.

Kakashi took out a Shuriken, and threw it at her. Kagome, sensing the danger, ducked her head just in time to see it whizz by.

"That was a close one," she said. "I need to pay more attention..." Kagome pulled an arrow from her quiver and nocked her arrow in her bow. She aimed it straight for Kakashi and released it, making sure not to use her powers quite yet. Kakashi simply sidestepped it.

"Is that all you can do?" he asked.

"No!" she yelled. Kakashi sighed and pulled out a kunai, then ran at her. Kagome panic and felt the Tenseiga hum at her side. She quickly unsheathed the sword just in time to block his attack.

"Nice reflexes," he said. Kagome had never used a sword in her life so right now she was just winging it.

"Tenseiga will help channel your powers," Kagome heard in her head. Those were the words Midoriko had spoke.

"That's right..." Kagome dropped her form and Kakashi stumbled forward, clearly not expecting something like that. Kagome quickly sheathed the sword and pulled an arrow from her quiver while his back was turned. She released her powers into it.

Kakashi turned just in time to see the arrow fly towards him. He barely managed to dodge, however the pink that surrounded the arrow had left a small gash on his cheeks.

"Just barely nicked him," Kagome muttered nocking another arrow. She aimed straight at Kakashi this time. Her arrows wouldn't kill him, just cause him pain.

"Well, this is an unexpected change of events. Those arrows are dangerous," Kakashi narrowed his eyes and jumped away from the next arrow. He used the opportunity to use a jutsu.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!" A giant fireball came her way. Kagome quickly shot an arrow through the fireball, causing it to disperse.

Fugaku stared shocked at the scene. This little girl had just undid a jutsu with a mere arrow.

"You're pretty good!" Kakashi chuckled

"Thanks," Kagome said.

"But what else can you do? Shadow clone jutsu." Two Kakashi's appeared one ran behind her and the other stayed in front of her.

"Fire style, Fireball jutsu!" Two giant fireballs came from either side of her.

"Shit!" She said and closed her eyes and pictured a barrier. Tenseiga threw a barrier up around her just as the jutsu came in contact.

Everyone waited until the debris cleared. When it cleared, there stood Kagome unscathed in a blueish pinkish barrier.

"Alright Tenseiga!" Kagome grinned as the barrier around her shattered.

"A-amazing...."Itachi whispered.

He looked to his father and could tell he was clearly impressed with Kagome and her ability.

Kagome began to glow a pink color. She felt the presence of Midoriko with her and glanced back at her figure.

"Unsheathe Tenseiga," she ordered. Kagome did so and felt Midorikos hands on hers, guiding the sword. "Here he comes,"

True enough Kakashi was running at her with a kunai. They clashed, sword to kunai. Kakashi flipped back away from her.

"Together we will defeat him. Do not forget that Tenseiga does not kill, only heals. You can pierce him and he won't be killed unless you use your powers. I will help you control this power, Kagome..." Kagome nodded as Kakashi once more ran at her. Kagome sidestepped Kakashi, with the help of Midoriko. She quickly turned and plunged the sword through Kakashi's chest.

He froze. Everyone seemed to stop breathing at that moment. Kagome panted. She had used a lot of her energy.

"Stop." The hokage ordered. Kagome pulled the sword from Kakashi's chest and sheathed it.

Kakashi, expecting to bleed, stood there shell-shocked.

"I'm not dead?" he looked down at Kagome who was leaning against her sword or support.

"No.." she said. "Tenseiga does not kill. It can pierce you but you will not die. It's a sword for healing."

Kagome felt herself fall over and a pair of arms wrapped around her small form. The last thing she saw was Itachi's concerned face before she completely passed out.

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