Chapter 9

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"What do you mean she isn't here?" Shisui looked at Itachi who seemed slightly worried.

"It's exactly as I said. When I woke up, she wasn't in her room or downstairs. She wasn't even in the house. Her shoes were gone," Itachi ran a hand through his raven hair.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Shisui grinned at his best friend. "Let's go look for her!"

And so the two worried Uchiha boys took off in search of Kagome. Mikoto shook her head and looked to her husband.

"I don't even think they realize it yet," Mikoto said.

"What would that be?" he asked, flipping to the next page of his newspaper.

"Kagome has Shisui and Itachi wrapped around her finger and neither of them realize this. Itachi and Shisui are willing to go to the ends of the earth for the girl," Mikoto shook her head.

"Hmm, I see," Fugaku glanced at his wife.

~With Kagome and Naruto~

Kagome sat across from Naruto looking at her hand of cards. Naruto had a smug look on his face as Kagome sat there contemplating her next move.

Earlier, he had taught her to play poker, a game he learned from others while he roamed the streets. She had gotten the hang of it rather quickly and this was their third round. So far she owed him 2 days of ramen whenever he wanted.

"Uhhh....." Kagome bit her bottom lip in concentration.

"Kagome you should give up," Naruto said.

"No! Never," she stubbornly replied.

"Lay down your cards," he instructed.

Naruto laid his cards down, a full house. Kagome sighed and spread her cards out in front of her.

He gaped. A royal straight flush!

"Kagome you won this round," he said.

"Really?" she stared down at the cards.

He grabbed all the card and put them back in the box. "You still owe me two days of ramen!" he grinned.

"I know," she pouted crossing her arms over her chest. "I should probably get going." Kagome stood on her feet and stretched her muscles.

"Do you have to?" he asked. Kagome could tell he was lonely. His parents were dead and he had no friends.

"I'll be back later. I promised you lunch," she winked.

"Okay!" he grinned.

"It's a date!" she ruffled his hair and left his apartment, file still in her jacket. Danzo was most likely gone by now.

As she walked back to the Uchiha compound, she spotted Fugaku talking to someone. He caught her eye and motioned for her to come. She approached him.

"Kagome," he nodded.

"Mr. Uchiha," Kagome smiled at the man.

"Shisui and Itachi are looking for you. You gave them quite a scare when you weren't in the house this morning," he said.

Kagome crossed her arms. "Don't those two realize I am fully capable of taking care of myself. Geez." She let out a sigh. Fugaku had a ghost of a smile on his face. "Well, I'm going to head back! See you later!" she waved goodbye and headed home.

She opened the door and took her shoes off. "Mikoto?" she called.

"Kagome in here!" Kagome went to the kitchen were Mikoto was enjoying a nice cup of tea. "Where did you go?"

"I went to talk to the Hokage this morning. Sorry I didn't tell anyone." Kagome sat across from her.

"It's okay. You sure worried Shisui and Itachi. That's for sure. They've been looking for you everywhere since they got up," Mikoto glanced at the girl across from her.

Kagome let out a giggle. "Fugaku told me just a moment ago,"

Just then the door slammed open. Kagome got a wicked idea. She put a finger to her lips and hid around the corner just as they entered the kitchen.

"Did you find her?" Mikoto asked, playing along.

"No. We've looked everywhere!" Shisui slumped in his chair.

"Well, you haven't looked EVERYWHERE," Mikoto pointed out.

"Where else is there to look?" Itachi questioned.

"The place she is at," she replied.

Kagome held a hand against her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

"What if she got kidnapped? Or hurt? Or worse!" Shisui put his head in his hands.

"Shisui and Itachi Uchiha!" Kagome suddenly said revealing herself. "You dare think I, of all people, would get kidnapped?"

They snapped their attention to her. Shisui was out of his chair and hugging her in the matter of seconds. "I was worried about you you idiot!" he cried.

Itachi felt relief wash over him.

"Boys. I am a big girl and fully capable of taking care of myself," Shisui stepped back and allowed the woman some space. She put her hands on her hips and glared at them.

"Where did you go?" Itachi asked.

"I went to talk to the Hokage. Also, this is for you," she reached into her jacket and pulled out the file, handing it to Itachi. "He said it was for your eyes only."

He nodded. "It shouldn't have taken you so long to get there, talk to the Hokage, and get back. Did something happen?"

"Ah... About that...." Kagome scratched her cheek. "I met a man named Danzo as well. He seemed rather interested in the file and tried to take it from me. I may not have any fighting experience, but I am rather good at running away. Been doing it for years. He chased me into an apartment building where I met a boy."

Mikoto suddenly noticed the dark look in both their eyes.

"What boy?" Shisui asked.

"A very cute boy," Kagome noticed the look as well. "In fact we have a date in about an hour or so."

"A d-date!?" Shisui looked a little hurt by this.

"Yep!" she smiled.

"You can't expect guys not to ask her out on a date Shisui," Mikoto said. "I mean Kagome is a very pretty young women. All the village woman talk about is how their sons have fallen madly in love with her."

Shisui stumbled back in his seat. "No way..."

"Shisui. Could it be that you are in love with Kagome?" she teased.

He stared wide eyed at Mikoto, not realizing she was just teasing him.

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