Chapter 18

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That conversation Kagome overheard troubled her greatly. Something big was about to happen. She hadn't seen much of Itachi and Shisui ever since.

However, one day while she was home alone, someone knocked on her door. Kagome opened it to reveal Shisui with his usual grin.

"Shisui? What's up?" Kagome asked him.

"Come on. Let's go out today," he grinned.

Kagome blinked, but shrugged, deciding to go with him.

"You and Itachi have been very busy lately," Kagome stated as they walked through the Uchiha compound. Shisui walked with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah..." he sighed. "Being an ANBU is tough. You should know." He glanced down at her.

Kagome smiled. "I never apologized for making the three of you worry like that. I haven't had much fighting experience with Ninjas."

"You sure handled them well though. Not a trace of them was left," Shisui commented.

"That's because I sent them to the underworld," Kagome mumbled.

Shisui stopped in his tracks. "Kagome..."

"Hmm?" she turned to look at him. "What is it?"

He pulled a small navy blue box out of his pocket and handed it to her, avoiding making eye contact with her. Kagome's heart pounded in her chest as she took the small box and opened it. Inside the box was a beautiful pink ring.

"Shisui..." Kagome looked up at him. He took a step forward and took the box from her hand. He pulled the ring out of the box and gently gripped her hand. Then he slid the ring on her finger.

"Kagome..." Shisui hesitated at first, but suddenly found the courage to capture her in a simple, yet passionate, kiss. Kagome felt her knees go weak. Shisui wrapped in arm around her waist to keep her from falling. She could feel what he felt in that one simple action.

Finally, he pulled away. "I have to go... Sorry, Kagome."

Kagome was left there in the middle of the street in shock. She wandered the streets for a while lost in thought when it began to get dark for the sky had turned an orange color.

"Kagome, right?" an elderly voice asked. Kagome looked up and glared at the man before her.

"Danzo." she crossed her arms across her chest. "Last time we met you tried to take that file the Hokage gave me to give to Itachi."

He ignored her and continued. "Stay away from both Itachi and Shisui Uchiha."

"Why would I do that? They're my fri-" "Your friends? No. Those boys think of you much more than just friends. So much that they've been slacking in their work. You'll do well to stay away from them or I'll have no choice but to get rid of you." Danzo left after saying those words.

"Damn it!" Kagome kicked a nearby building. She slid down the wall and put her head on her knees. She sat there for god knows how long before someone approached.

"What is a beautiful young woman such as yourself doing out here all alone? Did something happen?" Kagome looked up to see a man with long white hair and two red lines going down his face from his eyes.

"I'm fine." she muttered.

The man sighed, knowing she wasn't fine. He sat beside her.

"I'm Jiraya." he introduced offering her a smile.

"Kagome," she said.

"Well Kagome even though I am a stranger, you can tell me." he spoke in a reassuring tone. Kagome looked up at the man with teary eyes.

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