Chapter 9

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Genesis's POV

"It's so beautiful here" I smile

I leaned against the huge window of the flat Niall had brought me to in London (a friend of his letting him borrow it) and the view from this place was spectacular. 

"Glad you love it" I hear him say walking over to me 

He hesitates before wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"I can finally breathe here" I say closing my eyes

Niall rested his chin on my shoulder and we stayed like that for a while; not worrying about anyone or anything. Our hand met at the top of my stomach and all I could do was hold him close to me as he swayed us side to side. Niall started to kiss my neck slowly sucking as he went up to my jaw line, my breath began to catch until a phone rang.

"It's mine" Niall sighs going over to his jacket to fish it out. "Liam again"

The phone rings for while until eventually the sound stop and then another phone starts up again; mine.

"We should just cut them off for a few days" I frown ignoring my sister's call

"They'll get tired of calling" he assured me

I gave him a weak smile as I saw him sit on the couch of the living room, his hand extended towards me. I walk a few steps and grab his hand as he pulls me onto his lap, I let out a giggle.

"There's my girl" he laughs

"I don't wanna squish you babe" I laugh

"You won't squish me, you're light as a feather" he leans in to kiss my nose

His hold on me only gets tighter and I shake my head looking at the blue eyed boy looking at me intently. 

"We're doing the right thing" he says "a few days away from him.. from everyone is what you need to figure out that you only need me"

I drop my gaze from his and he picks my chin up.

"Niall.." I whisper "I can't leave Joe, not until he wakes up and that could be months, years.."

"I'll wait, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"I know." I lean in and give him a kiss on the lips. "But things won't be easy"

"In another life where I'm not famous and you weren't married, this could of worked from day one. Things won't be easy for either of us.. people will talk and I need you to be strong."

I don't say a thing letting his words sink in. Was I willing to put in play my years of marriage and friendships for this guy?

"I'll take care of you" Niall added kissing my hand

Yes I was. 

What ever it was that made me scarred to come here with Niall had suddenly gone away; nobody ever talked to me the way that he did. I believed ever single word that came out of his mouth and felt protected by his side. 

Valerie's POV

Horrible horrible traffic. 

I was late; like always. Carolina had sent us all texts saying to meet her at the hospital, said she wanted to tell us all something. Odd. Either way we all decided to meet up after lunch. I drove separately from Zach (who I haven't spoken to in days) as he caught a ride with Micheal who would leave town next week.

I heard my phone ring at my side and press my cars bluetooth to answer


"Val you here yet?" Estefania asks

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