Chapter 24

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Valerie's POV


Time was passing by and I felt like I was stuck. Stuck in the same place but this time without anybody by my side. Things went south for me a little after Joe's birthday party. Sure I was happy that Genesis and Joe are back together and not only one but two of my friends were expecting twins (Laura found out a couple of days ago). I guess I was just waiting for things to go back to normal for me.

Right now I busy packing my things cuz guess what? Dylan and I broke up... so since I moved into his place I have no reason to be here. Dylan being the great guy he is says I can stay here until I find somewhere else but truthfully I don't want to be around him right now.

So in case you were wondering.. the brake up was mutual. Seriously, ever since the whole incident with Carolina going to the ER we rarely talked and it was like out spark had gone away. To me it felt like I was reliving loosing Zach. 


Haven't seen him in weeks and a part of me thinks I should keep it that way while the other is dying to see his beautiful eyes looking at me again. But that would never happen again.

"You need some help?" Dylan says picking up some of my books

"Oh no. I'm fine" I say snapping out of my thoughts

"I'm gonna help you anyways" he laughs "You're a bit slow today Valeria"

I smirk a bit at him. I loved it when he called me that.

"I'm slow because i'm tired."

"Yeah I felt you moving around a lot last night..." 

Yes. We still slept together.

"Nightmares." I laughed

"Muy mal" 

I shake my head and continue packing away the few things I had gotten here with. Soon enough we were done closing up the last box and after grabbing a few things from the bathroom I was ready to go. 

"Help me take these out to the car?" I ask pointing to some boxes by the door

"It's pretty late, you sure you don't want to spend the night here?"

"No i'm good really."

"You haven't told me where you're going"

"I'm going.. to a hotel."


"Shush. I'll be fine there for a couple of days till I can find somewhere new to live."

"Why don't you stay with one of your friends?"

"Because they all have husbands and families. I don't wanna bother them."

"Why dont you go back to Zach then?..."

I hold on tightly to the box I was holding trying not to drop it. Did he really just say that?

"Why would you ask me that, I c-cant"

"You still love him.. you always did."


"We were so close to being in love." he whispers 

I begin to walk back towards the door. I didnt want to hear this. 

"You never gave me the chance to sweep you off your feet. That's why we never worked out."

"I wish we could of worked"  I say putting down the box and going to hug him. "I was almost there too but-" 

"Almost was never enough for us" he sighed hugging me back

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