Chapter 11

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an: i know its been forever and this chapter is pretty shitty. but im gonna upload another one later tonight so chillll. read this for now


Cameron's POV

"To Cameron!" everyone cheered

Glasses clicked before we all took a sip from our champagne. Clapping commences afterwards as I lean in to kiss Laura.

"I love you" I tell her

"I love you more" she smiles

Just as I place my lips on hers I hear someone cry.

"Daddy, daddy!"

Seconds later a boy comes running down the hall and past the kitchen where we all stood but to my relief the boy was headed into Taylor's arms. A crying Luca held on close to his dad.

"Carolina is still watching Gabriel" Laura reminds me

"Oh yeah" I chuckle "I cant help getting worried though"

"I know Cameron but no need to worry about him or Nati tonight"


"Remember I asked Caro to watch both of them?" she blushed "it's part of their gift"

We were walking down the hall to the living room and I turn to see Carolina and Nick playing with our children on the couch.

"You think of everything dont you?"

"Maybe" she smiles

"I think this is a good thing"

"Yeah they need the practice"

"Yes but good for Joe as well"

Laura looked over as Nick handed Nati over to Joe's arms as he sat in his wheelchair. Joe's smile was the same one he wore not too many months ago.

"Awe, you're right"

We walked a little bit into the room to sit on the couch next to where Valerie and her new boyfriend Dylan stood. To say the situation was tense was an understatement, Zach had agreed to come to my party since he was my friend but I dont think he could stand being here any longer. Dont get me wrong Dylan was a cool guy and it looked like he really liked Valerie but the dynamic that was always there with all of us felt off. I was surprised when the new couple came up to us a little before eight.

"Wel we're gonna go ahead and head out" Valerie smiled holding Dylans hand

"So soon?" Laura whined

"Yeah umm-"

"I have things to do tomorrow morning and dont want to be out late" Dylan answered

"Thank you for coming" I say

"We haven't even cut the cake" Laura added

"I saw it already Laura, just save me a slice and give it to me tomorrow"

"Oh alright"

Both of them waved at us and everyone else as they headed out towards the front door.


The party soon wrapped up after everyone felt the need to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me but I swear every year it's more and more embarrassing.

As soon as Laura and I arrived home it felt weird not arriving with our kids, placing them to bed; doing our nightly routine.

"Have fun?" Laura asked as we removed our shoes

"Of course, you always plan the nicest things for me"

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