Chapter 13

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Carolina's POV 

Love is blindness. And my sister was blinded by Niall. 

Our first day in London Nick insisted that I rest so I could go around with the right amount of sleep considering the timezone change. So I rested and decided to wake up early the next day to call Louis; he knew where the runaway lovers were staying. 

"Love!" Louis chirped on the line

"Louu" I smiled "How are you?"

"Brilliant, El says hello"

"I say hi too"

"You in London?" he asks

"Yes, got here yesterday"

"Fancy we meet up for lunch then?" 

"I dont see why not"

"Lovely, ill come over to your hotel and we can go from there"


"See ya in a few"

I hang up and look at Nick reading his book on the bed.

"Lunch?" he asks

"Yes with Louis and Eleanor"

"And then we meet up with Gen"


Nick sets his book down and jumps out of the bed to sit next to stand next to me.

"You'll get her back home" 

I smile up at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Dont forget to tell her.."

"About what?" I ask

"Our baby"

Oh yeah. With everything thats gone on, I never told my own sister about my pregnancy. I guess a part of me felt that she didnt deserve to know anything about me anymore.


"CAROLINE" a group of four guys yelled walking into my hotel lobby

"I didnt know they were all coming" Nick laughed seeing the One Direction boys 

"I didnt either"

Hugs and kisses all around took a while.

"Let us see the bump!" Harry says with a cheeky smile

"Funny" I say rolling my eyes "I'm not showing yet"

"But you will be soon" Eleanor smiles

"Shush, i'm gonna be huge" I sigh

"You'll look beautiful babe" says grabbing my hand "Now shall get some lunch?"

"Nandos?" Liam asks

A cheer from everyone was taken as a yes and we all headed over to the restaurant made popular by the missing Irish boy. Things were never weird with these guys even with the whole Niall situation, our years of friendship made me really appreciate these little outings together. But I came all the way out to London for a reason. 

"What are the tabloids saying around here?" I ask finishing my food

There is a pause until Liam speaks up.

"They dont say much since your sister and Niall dont go out much"

"What else?"

"Last thing I read did mention Joe trying to recover while Genesis ran a fling with Niall" Zayn says

"Oh god" I frown "Have you guys like.. visited them?"

"I have" Louis answered "Like I said, I can take you to where they are living"

Nick squeezes my hand under the table as I take a look at everyone at the table.

"How soon could I go visit them?"


"Really?" I beam

"Niall knows we're all in town, excluding you and I asked him if we could all visit. It's been so long since he's seen us so he said yes. That's your chance to confront them." Louis looks at me intently "You sure about this?"

"I've got nothing to loose"


Nick's POV 

I had to admit I was nervous. The reality of what was about to happen was terrifying and I would read it all over Carolina's face.

"We could come back tomorrow" I say rubbing her back

We were already standing in front the of the flat that Louis gave us directions to and all we had to do was knock on the door. So why weren't we knocking? I clear my throat and lift my hand up to ring a doorbell I just now noticed but my hand was swatted away.


"Dont "

"Why not, we got to settle this by standing out here"

"I know, but please let me do this alone"

"No way" 

"Nick please"

She had to be kidding me.

"I didnt come all the way out here to just be sidelined while you go talk to two idiots who are ruining my brothers life" I take a step away from her "I dont know what Joe is thinking taking your sister back, I would never forgive you if you did this to me"


"Dont what?"

"Compare me to my sister, I would NEVER do this to you. How many times do I have to tell you!"

I could see her eyes start to water a bit but tears dont seem to fall; she didnt want to cry in front of me. In a matter of seconds I see Carolina place her hand on the door for support. 

"You okay?"

"Dizzy but i'm fine"

"Let's go back please"

"No, I'm doing this now" she says knocking on the door "wait for me outside or something"

I could hear footsteps coming our way from inside. 

"Trust me" she smiles weekly

"Okay, but dont be long"

A start to walk down the hall but pause when I hear a door open. 

"HEY.. Caroline? Wha-a-t are you doing..." 

It was Genesis. Once again a door sounded at the distance and I was left alone in the hall to wonder what the two sister would converse about. 


felt like i should update. but another filler till i get into the story line im trying to develop. 

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