Chapter 25

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Carolina's POV


"How are you feeling?" Nick says holding on to my hand

"Tired" I try to smile

I looked down my arm filled with needles and tubes of different kinds. I almost frown until I find our hands tightly together.

"You can do this." He assures me

"I hope so." I sigh "How much longer?"

"Not very long.. are you in pain?"

"A little but i'll manage."


I have been on this bed for maybe a week and truth be told I wanted to leave this hospital already. It was Nicks fault really, the doctor said that I was actually during very well these last weeks of my pregnancy but my husband being the weird guy he is insisted we check me into the hospital after I had little contractions. Week later I'm still here and just a few minutes ago I finally feel like its really time for me to give birth.

The doctor walks into the room smiling at us. I knew he was here to check up on me so I sit up a bit as he stands at the foot of my bed. This was sorta becoming a routine and now that he was at my side checking my monitors it was starting to hit me that it was almost time.

"You guys want to go ahead and start the birthing process? Looks like you're ready."

"So soon?"

"Yes. A little past ten at night.." He says looking at his watch "you could still do this naturally if you'd like.."

I look at Nick terrified. That was never part of the plan even if I wanted to.

"Oh no" I laugh nervously

"Just checking. Sometimes people scheduling a cesarean change their minds."

Not me.

"I think I'll stick with my decision."

"Alright.." The doctor smiles "shall we start? I don't want you having contractions and have to go into a natural birth"

I squeeze Nicks hand and look up at him nervously.

"Give us a minute?" Nick asks

"Sure, i'll go get the nurses ready."

I place my free hand on my bump and take a breath.

"You're going to do great."

"Nick I know I said I could do this but what if I cant?" I begin to panic "If I die-"

"You wont! Carolina you will do this, we will have our healthy boy and girl; happily ever after remember?"

I nod trying not to cry.

"I can do this.."

Nick stands and lets go of my hand only to kiss my forehead. A nurse followed by the doctor walk in and they instruct Nick on what he has to do since he will be with me during the whole delivery.

It's funny when I first found out I was pregnant I never thought I'd be nervous but then I found out about the twins and well... I'm terrified. My little boy turned into a little couple. To think id be the one in my family to have the twins nobody else had.

"We're all set." The doctor says coming in with the nurses and Nick.

"Okay" I nod "Nick you didn't -"

"No, I didn't call anybody" he nods "just like you wanted"

"Let's do this then" I say feeling a sudden pain "oh my god"

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