Chapter 19

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Valerie's POV 

"So she just left?" Laura asked

"Yeah I dont really know what happened last night but Genesis wasnt here this morning." Caro said eating her fruit

"I wonder what Joe said" I shook my head

"Who knows but I think he's heading back today" 

"But we still have one day left here" 

"I know but he doesn't look happy here so I think he's taking off around three"

"Well if that makes him feel better" Nani smiled 

All of us decided to grab a quick snack before heading out to do our last activities of the trip. So as we all munched on some fruits a with yogurt I saw my boyfriend walk over to our table and give me a quick kiss before pulling out his phone. 

"Have you guys seen this?" He says showing me his screen

I scan the article he has pulled up from E! Online and look up at him shaking my head.

"What is it?" Caro asks

"Your sister" Dylan says handing her his phone

"Dylan dont" I say

It was too late. Carolina looked at the phone and saw the pictured of what looked like Niall and Genesis outside of Joe's house in LA. 

"These are from today?"


She stands up quickly and hands the phone back to Dylan before reaching for her purse and placing it on her shoulder.

"I have to go" she says walking away

None of us say a thing and I take advantage to slap Dylan in the arm.

"Why did you do that?"

"What?" He laughs

"Show us that article. You know Carolina has a high risk pregnancy and cant receive bad news"

"Babe, she'll be fine"

I dont say anything and get up from my chair. 

"I'll see you guys later" I tell Laura and Estefania

I walk off without saying a thing to Dylan but unlike Zach he actually comes after me. 

"So we still on to scuba dive later?" he says putting his arm around my shoulder

"No" I pout 

"Dont be like that" he says kissing my temple

"Like what?" I stop walking

"So butt hurt over something so small"

My mouth drops, he was kidding right.

"Okay so you want me to be mad over something big?"

"No, I dont like seeing you upset at all. Especially over something so insignificant."


He nods

"You can go scuba diving alone" I say dropping his arm from my shoulder "i'll be in my room"

This time he didnt follow me, I guess he knew I needed some space.


I was busy reading Paper Towns slowly going crazy because I haven't heard from Dylan in a couple of hours when I hear a knock on the door. I take a look through the key hole and notice that it was Laura.

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