Chapter 10

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Zach's POV

She's late.

She was always late... but here I waited for her. I took another sip from my beer as I looked down at the parking lot. Finally a pair of head lights make their way into the parking spot I was staring at. I almost forgot that Michael had been staying here until I heard him snoring from the couch.

"Hey man, go to the room and get some rest" I shake him a bit

"What" he yawns

"It's past midnight"

"Oh" he sits up "yeah. I should"

"Go tomorrow is your last full day here"

He simply nods at me and stands from the couch. There was a turning of handles at the door and keys were thrown to the closest table; she was here. Walking past the living room Valerie looked startled still seeing me awake but she didn't hesitate to smile.

"Oh hey" she said "y'all still up?"

"I'm actually going to sleep" Mikey answered "good night"

There was an awkward silence as he walked away to his guest room and when the door locked behind him I put my beer down on the coffee table between me and Valerie. I was waiting for her to say something first.

"C'mon let's go to bed" she said after a while

"Where were you?"

"I was- at work"

"This late?"

"Since when do you care?"

"I've always cared about what you're doing-"

"For the last couple of months you have done nothing but ignore me! and you know what Zach... i'm tired.. tired of trying to make this work"

"Me, ignoring you? then what are you doing? When was the last time you even tried having a conversation with me? Today at the hospital you didn't even say a thing to me!" I said walking closer to her "every day we wake up together, go to our jobs or the hospital, just to come back and sleep next to each other like some strangers!... this routine... it's not healthy for either of us"

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Valerie whispers

"I don't know, why don't you ask the guy you're seeing?"

Within seconds her face goes pale and words fail her as no words come out of her mouth.

"So you're not even going to deny it?" I laugh

"I don't even know what you're talking about Zach!" she finally yells

"Don't lie to me!" I say grabbing her by the arms "the least you can do is tell me the truth!"

"You can't handle the truth"

Somehow she manages to get out of my grip and tries running over to our room but I grab her by the arm and push her against the wall.

"Let me go!"

"See there's a problem with sneaking around with someone who's famous babe" I say ignoring her and taking out my phone to show her a picture "everyone finds out"

"That was.."

"A couple of hours ago.. I know"

"Zach.. I.."

"Save it" I say letting her go

I walk back up the hall trying to get away from her before I do something drastic.

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