Chapter 28

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Joe's POV

Genesis and I decided to leave the hospital as soon as we noticed Taylor's family arriving; we really weren't needed there at all. Soon everyone else left making sure to give the growing family some space. I drive back towards the Lautner residence since we need to pick up some valuable things we left behind. From the rear view mirror I catch a glimpse of Carolina and Nick in the back seat sleeping! 

"They look so tired." I whisper

"Well duh." Gen smiles "They have a lot to handle with two kids now"

"Still cant believe that Valerie and Zach offered to take care of all the kids while we went to the hospital!"

"Hey maybe they're practicing, for when they have their own" she points out

"True. Something we should be doing.."

"You still want kids with me?" 

I turn and look at her with a smile.

"I want everything with you Mrs. Jonas." I remind her

"Haha you say this now!" 

"I've always loved kids." I say looking back at the road

"Yeah but you're not so good with them."


"Remember when Dani handed you Madison the first time?" 


"You wanted to throw her into the air.."

"Well isnt that what people do?"

"Yes but with toddlers."

"What ever.." I roll my eyes

"I'm not saying no.. but one day we'll have kids of our own" 


"I promise" she laughed

Her laugh was so infectious that I couldn't laughing myself.

"Quiet" I hear Nick grunt from the back seat

Gen and I just laugh some more as I pull into the driveway of the huge house.

"C'mon guys we're here. Time to go home."

"Noooo." Carolina whines

Eventually we all make our way out my car and up to the house to pick up Danna and John. The nanny I believe opens the door  fors us and leads us to the living room where we find the sight of Valerie and Zach taking care of several kids; five to be exact.

"Superheroes" Carolina yawns

"What? No way, Esperanza here is the one who's been helping us." Valerie laughs

"So how are the girls?" Zach asks coming up to Nick handing him John

"They are good, probably sleeping." Nick answers

"Well that's good." Val smiles "Here, she's missing her mommy." 

Carolina holds her baby close and picks up a blanket from the couch to wrap around them. 

"Thanks guys really, you are life savers." Caro smiles "Gen will you help me with the car seats?"

I go ahead and step in front of them and grab both of them.

"Thanks babe" Gen smiles heading towards the door.

Nick quickly grabs the diaper bag with his free hand.

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