Chapter 6 - Meet The Vamps

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"SO WAKE UP, YOUR SLEEPING HEART AND WE WILL DREAM A DREAM FOR US THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN TOUCH MY DEAR..." The five of us were singing at the top of our lungs while we sat in the mini bus.

We were on our way to the beach where we were going to meet up with The Vamps before their concert tonight. I was quite excited to meet them since I had liked their music and been a fan for a few years.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Nate asked once the song had finished.

"A few more minutes Nate." Austin said.

Nate sighed before putting his headphones back on. Austin and Drew also had theirs on.

I was sat between Levi and Drew with Nate and Austin sat opposite us.

"So you excited to meet The Vamps?" Levi asked turning to me.

"Sure am, cant wait to meet them." I replied, a smile appearing on my face.

"Thought you would be, Jai and Tide told us that you were one of their fans as well as ours." He replied smiling back.

"I also cant wait to see you guys perform tonight." I then said.

"It's going to be great getting on the stage again after a few months, plus you'll be there watching." He said.

We talked for a few more minutes about random things before the mini bus came to a halt.

"Yes we're here." Nate said taking off his headphones and seatbelt before jumping out of the mini bus.

"Woo lets go." Levi said before the rest of us followed Nate.

We all got our things out of the back before heading onto the warm, soft sand.

" Can anyone see them yet?" Drew said as we walked up the beach looking for the Vamps.

"There." Austin said pointing over to a quiet spot under some palm trees where 4 people were sat.

We all walked over and when they saw us, the boys all stood up.

"Hey guys." Tristan said as we reached them.

"Hi" The Tide all replied.

"You must be April?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see James.

"Yeah hi" I replied.

"I'm James but I'm guessing you already knew that." He said smiling, causing me to laugh slightly.

"Yeah, nice to meet you James." I said.

"I see you two have already met." Levi said coming over to us.

"Guys this is April, April meet Brad, Tris and Connor" He then said as the others followed him.

"Hi" I said, getting the same in return.

"The boys have told us you're a bit of a fan" Brad said smiling.

"Yeah I'm a fan." I smiled back.

"Who's up for a game?" Austin shouted, holding a football in his hands.

"ME!!" All the all shouted and ran over to him

"You wanna play April?" Tristan asked me.

"Sure, why not." I replied.

I put my things down beside everyone else's before running over to them.

"Kick it to me." Connor shouted.

"Drew over here." Nate said.

"April." James shouted before kicking the ball over to me.

I kicked it and it nearly hit an old man who was walking past, but Austin managed to catch it.

California Dreams - ( Levi Jones )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang