Chapter 22 - Leaving again

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A few days after sorting things out with Levi and the others, Mathias persuaded my to tell my parents what had gone on. They had decided that they would talk to my school about it and get them to deal with Charity and Dylan. I had also changed my number so she couldn't message me anymore.

It was currently Saturday and I was spending the day with The Tide at their house. The four of them were currently very hyper 1, because they had eaten way too much sugar and 2, because they were leaving for their UK fanfests tomorrow.

"Right are you sure you've got everything?" I asked Levi as we were sat in his room with his huge suitcase in front of us.

"I think so." He said.

"So if you have everything then why's there a pile of socks over there." I laughed pointing over to the pile.

"Oh, oops." He said before laughing.

"See this is why I need you with me." He laughed, reaching over to the pile and throwing the socks into his suitcase.

"You'll be just fine. You've got Nate, Drew, Austin and New Hope Club with you." I replied.

"I wish you were coming, I'm gonna miss you so much." He said suddenly looking more sad.

"I'll miss you too but I think its better for me to stay here. Plus I've got exams and Noah and my Uncle are here for another few day." I replied with a small smile.

When the boys had originally asked my parents if I could go with them they said it wasn't a great idea after everything that had happened and wanted me to stay home.

"Well you're gonna be getting a lot of updates about the shows over the next few weeks." He laughed.

"Great." I laughed.

"So now everything's packed what should we do?" He asked as he zipped up his suitcase after making me sit on it to help him.

"Ice cream on the beach?" I asked.

As soon as I had suggested that he started grinning.

"Amazing idea." He replied.

"Should we ask the others if they wanna come?"  He then added.

"Well they will probably go mad at us if we don't asked them." I replied laughing.

"That's true." He chuckled.

"Well let's go." I replied standing up and pulling him up too.

"GUYS WERE GETTING ICE CREAM!" Levi shouted as we went down stairs.

"WHOOOO!!" We could hear them shout as they all ran towards us.

"Let's go" Drew said.

We all grabbed our skateboards and set off towards the beach.

"So on a scale of 1 to 10 how much are you four looking forward to your Fanfests?" I asked on the way to the beach.

"Way above 10" Drew replied.

"Definitely agree with you there." Austin said.

"I still can't believe were playing our own sold out shows, it's gonna be awesome." Nate said excitedly.

"It sure is, plus we've got New Hope Club with is which will be great." Levi the added.

"Let me guess, you guys are already planning a tone of pranks?" I asked as we neared the beach.

"We might be." Austin grinned.

"Well that's definitely a yes." I laughed.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to video the pranks so you can see them." Drew said chuckling at the thought of pranking the three of them.

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