Chapter 11 - London

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So far the tour had been amazing. They boys had already performed in Brighton, Newcastle, Birmingham and Glasgow. Tomorrow night they were performing at the O2 Arena in London but today while They all had a day off, we were all going Laser quest.

As we pulled up outside a huge laser quest arena, all of the boys were arguing about teams.

Eventually they decided and I was on a team with Levi, Nate, James and Connor.

"Since there are 5 of you does it mean we get a head start?" Austin asked once we all has the stuff on.

"Afraid we're gonna beat you?" Nate replied.

"You guys are never gonna beat us" Drew said

"Ok how about who ever loses has to wear pink tutu skirts on stage tomorrow" I said gaining a few looks as a result.

"It's so on" Austin said smiling.

A few seconds later the door to the arena opened.

"Let's go!!!" Brad yelled as everyone ran into the arena.

Everything was pretty much pitch black except for the glowing white tape that was on the edges of all the walls so people didn't run into them. There was also a lot of smoke, making it difficult to see anyone.

"April, this way" Levi said getting hold of my hand and leading me to a hidden corner where James Connor and Nate were.

We all stood or sat hiding behind some barrels seeing if we could spot any of the others for a minute before Connor spoke.

"We need a team name." He said.

"Like what?" James asked turning to him.

"I don't know" Connor replied.

"Nandos" I said as a joke.

"perfect" Connor grinned.

"Team Nandos, ... Really?" James said laughing and shaking his head.

"TEAM NANDOS" Connor and me both yelled as we high fives each other.

"THERE!!" I heard the voice of Tristan Evans shout, followed by both Nate and Connors guns going down, meaning they'd been shot.

"RUN!!" James shouted followed by the five of us all running in different directions.

While running I turned to see Drew chasing me but when I turned back around, I smacked into a wall causing me to fall on the floor.

"Omg April are you ok?" Drew asked sounding worried, while putting his laser gun to the side.

"I think so" I said while getting back up.

"Trust me to be the one to do that" I laughed.

Before Drew could pick his laser gun back up I zapped him and ran, giggling as I did.

"Hey." I heard him shout behind me.

I then resulted to running around like a maniac shooting whoever I came across from the other team, running away before they could realize who zapped them.

After a while I started to get tired of non stop running and hid behind some barrels.

"April there you are" Levi said as him and Nate came running over.

"We wondered where you'd disappeared to" Nate said.

"I wasn't that far away" I laughed.

"Any idea which teams winning?" I asked them.

"No idea" Levi replied.

They both then ducked behind the barrels with me as Austin came walking past.

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