Chapter 18 - Flying Home

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Over the past few day the messages from this unknown number had been getting worse. They had become more hurtful and some were even small threats. Many had either been about me staying away from the boys or not telling them anything and keeping quiet. I didn't dare tell anyone, fearing what this mysterious person would do if I did.

We were now in Madrid in Spain, where the boys were playing tomorrow.

It was around 10 in the morning and we had all decided to go to this skate park for a while before they all had to go to the venue.

Brad had taught me a few tricks on my skateboard while they had been on tour but I still hated going down the ramps.

"Come on April what's the worst that can happen." Brad said standing at the bottom of a skate ramp.

"I'm not doing it" I replied standing with one foot on my skateboard with my arms crossed.

"Want me to push you?" Drew said from behind be.

"Definitely not." I said looking over at him.

"Just come on." Brad said from the bottom.

"Fine but if I hurt myself I totally blaming you." I said giving in.

I then jumped on my board and sped down the ramp. I lost control near the bottom and ended up crashing into Brad, resulting in the two of us on the floor.

"Ooops, sorry." I said as I sat up.

"No worries." Brad smiled.

"I did warn you something would go wrong." I said as we helped each other up.

"Try it again?" He asked smirking already knowing what my answer would be.

"erm let's not." I replied picking up my skateboard from the ground.

"Suit yourself." He said before running up the ramp and joining Drew.

To avoid anyone crashing into me while coming down any ramps, I went out of the way a bit to a flat area where I practiced some of the tricks Brad had taught me. Despite the fact I was enjoying myself, I couldn't keep the horrid messages out of my thoughts. I had originally hoped that today would take my mind off things.

After a while of practicing tricks I heard someone speak behind me.

"Hey, you ok?" Levi asked as I turned around.

"Oh hi Levi and yeah I'm fine." I replied coming to a halt in front of him.

"How come you're over here on your own?" He asked.

"I didn't want to be in the way of you guys on the ramps." I smiled.

"Oh ok, anyways we're all gonna head back to the hotel and dump our stuff before going to get food." He smiled back.

"Okie dokie" I said picking up my board and walking over to the others, who were all waiting by the exit.

Once we had all reached the hotel we went into our rooms to get changed before going to get food.

I had around 4 before we were leaving and couldn't really be bothered to get changed yet, so I sat watching some random YouTube videos including Joe Suggs pranks and Dan and Phil playing scary games.

Half an hour later and my phone was sounding non stop next to me. Wondering what was going on I picked it up and unlocked it.

That's when I saw it all. A huge number of hate and threat messages from the unknown number.

Last Warning!!!!

Say any thing and you WILL regret it!!

No one even likes you!

California Dreams - ( Levi Jones )Where stories live. Discover now