Chapter 28 - Home Again

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"April wake up, we gotta plane to catch." I awoke to Levi gently shaking me.

"Ok, ok I'm awake." I said sleepily.

Nate then thought it would be hilarious to come and jump around on my bed, resulting in me launching my pillow at him.

"Nate I'm up" I said sitting up and throwing the other pillow in his direction.

"I know" He grinned. I just rolled my eyes as a response.

He then ran out of the room, most likely to Drew and Austin's.

"You got everything packed and ready to go?" Levi asked whilst putting the last of his stuff in his backpack.

"Yeah, I packed everything last night." I replied.

"You're more organised than us four then." He chuckled.

"Left it until the last minute?" I said smiling.

"Of course, and I'm not the only one, Nate only finished packing about 10 minutes ago." He replied, zipping up his bag.

Whilst Levi then went to go find Nate, I went into the bathroom and quickly got changed into some joggers, a t-shirt with The Tide logo on it ( You can probably guess who gave it to me ) and a random beanie and hoodie. I wore a very similar outfit for any flight since it was comfy.

Once I was dressed I went back into the main part of mine, Levi and Nate's hotel room. I then took my phone off charge and put it, along with my charger, into my backpack.

"Hey April the mini bus will be here in a few minutes so we're all gonna head down to reception." Levi said coming back into the room followed by Nate.

"Okie dokie, I'm all ready now anyways." I replied with a smile, still half asleep.

"Ok then let's get going, Austin and Drew are meeting us down there." Nate said getting hold of his suitcase.

"Want any help?" Levi asked coming over after getting hold of his case.

"No thanks, I got it." I smiled at him.

I followed him out of the room and Nate followed behind.

We walked down the corridor and go into the lift.

"What we doing about food?" I asked randomly as the lift started to go down.

"I think we're gonna get something at the airport." Nate replied.

"Let me guess, 3am Burger King?" I asked.

"Most likely, that or McDonalds." Levi replied chuckling.

"Just a normal breakfast then." I laughed.

The lift then stopped and the doors opened, revealing a very tired looking Drew and Austin.

"Morning guys" I said as we stepped out of the lift, pulling our suitcases behind us.

"Oh hi guys." Austin said before yawning.

"Tired?" Nate asked him as we walked over.

"Well it is like 1am" Austin replied.

"True" Nate then said.

"Looks like someone's definitely a morning person." Drew chuckled looking over at me, who was currently sat half asleep leaning against Levi.

"That makes two of them" Austin then laughed, looking over at Levi who looked like he was going to fall asleep any minute.

Moments later there was a honking noise from outside, meaning the mini bus was here to pick us up and take us all to the airport.

"Mini bus is here guys wakey wakey!" Drew said loudly, making us all jump.

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