Chapter 16 - Telling The Fans

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"They Call It Young Love,  And They Don't Take It Serious, As If They Know What's Best For Us, But We Won't Ever Give It Up, Wanna Feel This Way Forever Young Love..." The sound of Tide's voices filled the arena as they were in the middle of sound check.

They were about half way through the European tour now and it was going great.

Tonight they were going to be playing in Amsterdam, which is an amazing city.

While The Tide were sound checking, The Vamps were yet again pushing them selves around the venue on the boxes, nearly taking out pretty much all of the crew and their manager. I was currently sat on one of the seats in the empty audience avoiding the madness.

While I was sat looking through my Twitter feed I noticed a slightly blurry picture that The Tide had been tagged in. When I clicked on it I saw it was from a few days ago when we were in Belgium. In the picture you could see the very blurry and shadowy image of Levi and Me walking out of a chocolate shop. Luckily you couldn't see my face at all and you couldn't really tell it was Levi however it still made me feel a little worried since nobody had said anything to their fans yet so I wouldn't get hate and stuff. I read the Tweet that went with it and it said, 'might have spotted Levi from The Tide with mystery girl.' It didn't really have many likes or retweets and only had 1 comment saying that it didn't really look like Levi. This made me feel slightly better and I decided to ignore it and not worry.

Once they had finished sound check they decided they were going to film a cover of Cake By The Ocean by DNCE.  

I stood behind the camera as they filmed it trying my hardest not to laugh at them all dancing in front of the tour bus.

When they had finished filming the cover, they decided it was time to go and get food, which I was quite happy about since I was starving.

We ended up all going to this place a few minutes walk away from the venue that pretty much only sold Burgers, Chips, Pizza or Pasta. I ended up getting a burger with chips, same as everyone else except I got a chocolate milkshake with mine.

As we all sat waiting for the food, everyone was talking about random stuff. I was sat between Nate and Levi with Austin and Drew opposite. Their manager was also sat with us along with The Vamps.

I decided that before the food came I was going to go the toilet.

"I'll be back in a minute, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." I said standing up.

They all nodded before I left to find the toilets.

Levi's POV

"Look guys I've been thinking" Our manager started once April had left. "I know you didn't want to tell the fans for a while but they're going to find out sooner or later about Levi and April. A few rumours have already started spreading and I think it would be better coming from you than them finding out in a gossip magazine."

"I don't like keeping stuff like this from fans but I'm not sure I wanna tell them just yet." I said, thinking about what our manager had just said.

"He's right though Levi, I would be better if it came from you first." Austin said.

I knew they were right but was worried about how the fans would all react to me having a girlfriend.

"I just don't want April to get any hate." I said.

"I know it's a bit of a hard decision but just think about yeah?" Our manager said and I nodded.

"I'll talk to her about it after the show." I said just as I saw her coming back.

April POV

California Dreams - ( Levi Jones )Where stories live. Discover now