Chapter 19 - Brother's Advise

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The past few days I'd spent either sitting in my room or in the living room watching old Disney movies. Since getting home from the tour I didn't really have any motivation to do much. Nate and Connor had messaged me a few times asking me if I was ok, how I was doing and telling me that the tour was still going well. I'd replied to them saying pretty much the same thing each time.

Levi and I hadn't had any contact since the argument in the hotel before I left and I had it I my mind that he hated me now. I didn't attempt to contact him in fear of making things any worse.

"Hey April fancy coming out somewhere with me and the twins?" Mathias said as he popped his head around my bedroom door.

"No thanks." I replied in a dull tone, sat looking out of my window.

"Come on April, you cant sit moping around the rest of your life. Just give things time to sort themselves out." He said coming in and sitting down next to me.

"I just can't stop thinking about everything. What if he hates me now." I said still staring out of my window.

"I'm sure he doesn't. You guys just had a bit of a fall out." He said.

"What was it about anyway? It might help to talk to someone about it." He then added.

I turned to look at him.

I decided to just show him my phone instead of speaking.

As he took hold of my phone and read the hate messages.

"You didn't tell them about all this did you." He said putting my phone to the side.

I shook my head.

"I was too terrified to tell them, you've seen the threats." I said small tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

"They were all worried about me and I kept telling them everything was fine when it really wasn't. Levi tried to make me tell him what was going on but I was too scared of what would happen if I did. That's when he started shouting and we had the argument. I then got more hate and threats and couldn't take it so I came home." I said, even more tears falling.

Mathias didn't say anything. He just pulled me into a huge hug.

"Don't worry everything will be fine." He said.

"Have you still not told any of them?" He then asked and I replied by shaking my head.

"I can't, I'm getting hate messages from that number. Levi probably still hates me." I said once we had pulled out of the hug.

"Stop saying he hates you. If Levi loves you as much as I always thought he did then he definitely doesn't hate you. He might just need a bit of time to sort things out." He then said. "I do think you need to tell them what's been going on though."

"I will tell them, just not yet." I said. "Thanks Mathias, your the best brother ever."

He smiled. "No worries, just don't let Jai and Tide hear you say that."

I laughed slightly, feeling better than I did before.

"Right come on, we're going to the zoo and I'm not taking no for an answer." He said getting up, helping me up as he did.

"How old are we?" I laughed.

"Hey Tide and Jai will be missing their other relatives." Mathias said referring to the monkeys while trying to be funny.

"HEARED THAT" Jai shouted popping hin head into the room.

"What its true." Mathias replied earning a glare from Jai.

A few hours later and we were stood in the middle of a zoo with Jain and Tide running around with monkey hats and tiger face paint.

They had also some how managed to persuade Mathias and me to get face paint but not as extreme. Mathias had a green snake on his cheek while I had a parrot on mine.

As we looked at all of the animals I can honestly say that I have never seen two 17 year old boys get so excited and hyper over seeing monkeys.

"Those two are 17 and not 7 right?" Mathias whispered to me as we stood watching the pair of them take numerous weird selfies with the monkeys in the background.

"Lets go see the tigers" Tide said as they finally finished taking pictures with the monkeys.

After seeing the tigers, lions, otters, penguins and turtles we decided to go home since were all starving.

When we got home Jai and Tide ran up stairs straight away, most likely to play on their Xbox, Mathias went to go do some of his collage work and I went into my room while I waited for food.

After talking to Mathias and going to the zoo with them I felt a lot better. Maybe Mathias was right, maybe Levi and me just needed some time to sort things out. I also thought again about telling the boys about the messages but knew I was going to find it hard.

To take my mind off things I decided to watch some funny YouTube videos by people such as Jack and Jack, Nash Grier and Cameron Dallas.

After watching videos for around an hour my ipad began ringing from the end of my bed. I reached over and grabbed it before seeing it was Rosie.

"Hey Rosie" I said as I clicked answer and her face appeared on the screen.

"Hey April, are you ok?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah I'm good, how are you?" I replied.

"Great. By the way I've seen some of that stuff on twitter, what's going on?" She asked looking slightly concerned.

"I'd rather not talk about it to be honest but don't worry it's all good." I said giving her a small smile.

"Are you sure? I've saw Levi's tweet a few days ago and he hasn't tweeted anything since." She said.

That's one reason that Rosie will always be my best friend, she can always tell when some things up.

"I haven't really been on twitter lately, but honestly everything's fine I just came home from the tour a little early." I said.

"Ok I believe you." She said giving me a funny look.

"So anyway how are all you guys?" I asked changing the subject.

"Everyone's good. Non stop exams and schools as boring as ever. We still miss you loads though." She said.

"I miss you guys too. Really hope I can come visit some time soon, or you guys could come here." I smiled.

"Me too. Sorry April's getting late here I'll have too go. Speak to you soon." She said.

"Bye Rosie." I said before hanging up.

Just as I hung up I heard my mum calling from down stairs that food was ready.

I then went down the boys all behind me.

Hey Guys. Sorry this chapter is really bad but I'm in the middle of my exams. Will hopefully update again in the next week and the chapter will be better.

Please remember to Vote and Comment. :) :) :) :)

California Dreams - ( Levi Jones )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora