Chapter 9 - Christmas

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"ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Jai Shouted as both him and Tide rushed down the stairs to the tree.

"Boys how old are you." My mum laughed as she went down the stairs Mathias, my dad, Levi and me following.

"They do that pretty much every year." I told Levi who laughed slightly.

I was currently wearing my purple owl onesie that has small wings attached to the arms. Last Christmas my mum got us all onsesies. Jai and Tide got matching Monkey onesies and Mathias got a Lemur. All four of us had our onesies on.

Once we were all down stairs my mum got a present from under the tree and handed it to Levi,

"Didn't want you to feel left our." She said.

Levi unwrapped the paper to see a dinosaur onesie, that looked very similar to the one Tyler Oakley has.

"Aww thank you." He said smiling at my mum and then went to put it on.

Once Levi had returned with his onesie on my mum insisted on taking a picture of the five of us in front of the tree with our onesies on.

It was then time to open the presents.

I went over and picked up a large box that was covered in shiny purple paper with a golden ribbon.
The label read...
Merry Christmas April, love mum and dad xx

I opened the paper and was super super happy with what I saw. I had got an air wheel Segway that had light blue and dark blue bubble pattern on it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" I said running over and hugging my parents.

"Thought you'd like it, since the boys already had one each as well." Mum said smiling.

I then picked up a box that was wrapped in blue shiny paper and a silver ribbon and gave it to Levi.

"Merry Christmas." I said smiling.

"Aww thank you." He said smiling once he had opened it.

I'd got him a Nirvana and an All Time Low beanie. When he went to put on the All Time Low one another present fell out of it,

He gave me a confused look as he picked it up.

He unwrapped it and as he did a huge smile came on his face.

"Thankyou so much April." He said giving me a hug.

"How did you get this??" He asked staring down  at a signed version of All Time Lows new album. ( No idea if they actually have a new album out so forgive me if they don't.)

"Secret." I replied smiling.

The truth was I'd asked The Vamps to help since I knew both them and All Time Low were at the Radio 1Teen Awards a few months ago.

I then opened my other presents. Jai and Tide got me two tickets to see The Janoskians on their next tour and Mathias got me the new Vamps album and then two Busted albums. The three boys also thought it would be funny to buy me a top with all three of their faces on. Typical.

I got all the boys some CDs and DVD they all wanted as well as a massive bucket of sweets.

I then went and sat down next to Levi.

"Merry Christmas April." He said handing me box wrapped in blue and white stripped paper.

I carefully opened it and saw the Joe and Caspar hit the road dvd and about 5 different coloured beanies.

"Aww thank you Levi." I said hugging him.

"I also got you this but don't tell the others because I haven't given them theirs yet." I said giving him a envelope.

He opened it and pulled out a ticket to see All Time Low in concert.

"Thank you so much April." He said hugging me again.

"April your dad and me also got you this." She said walking over with a suitcase with a New York City design on it.

"Thanks but whats it for?" I said looking confused.

"Well it goes with this." Levi said handing me and envelope.

I opened the envelope to see a folded up piece of paper.

When I unfolded the paper a laminate card on a lanyard fell out. When I looked a it I saw it was a backstage pass for The Vamps Tour next year which The Tide were supporting them on.

I then read the letter.

To April,

The Vamps would like to offer you the opportunity to come on tour with them and  The Tide next year, travelling around the UK and Europe.

Please let us know if you would like to accept this offer.

Merry Christmas Love The Vamps and The Tide.

I turned and gave Levi the biggest hug in the world.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" I said with a massive smile on my face.

"Guess you'd like to come then." Levi laughed.

I nodded smiling.

After we had finished opening the presents and got dressed we sat down to have Christmas dinner, which is my favourite meal of the year.

Jai and Tide ended up fighting over the little toys in the crackers, typical and Mathias ate so much I thought he was going to burst.

After dinner we all sat down and played some games on the Wii before sitting down to watch Elf.

I sat with my head resting on Levi's shoulder as we watched it.

This had literally been one of the best Christmases ever and I was so happy to spend it with my family and Levi.

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