Chapter 12 - Last Day Of UK Tour

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The past few weeks had been amazing! Being on the tour bus, seeing the guys perform every night and just the whole experience.

Tomorrow was the last night of the UK tour before it went to Europe and they were playing Manchester Arena.

It was currently around 2pm and The Tide and me were sat on the tour bus on the way to Manchester.

Austin and Drew were sat playing guitar, Nate and me were sat with Levi watching a Pokémon movie that he had put on.

"How long until we get to the service station? I'm starving." Drew said looking up from his guitar.

"No idea, cant be that long now." Nate replied.

"Is there not any food in the fridge?" I said standing up and walking over to it.

Opening it I saw it was totally empty apart from a banana and a few grapes.

"What happened to all the food? I'm sure there was some in here yesterday." I said closing the fridge and walking back over to my seat.

"The Vamps took it last night while we were sound checking." Austin said looking up.

I laughed slightly.

We all continued to watch the movie, including Drew and Austin, until we finally reached the services.

Drew was the first one off the bus quickly followed by Nate, Austin and Levi. I ended up being the last off the bus and the Tide were already inside the station but luckily for me The Vamps were just getting off their tour bus.

"Did they leave you behind?" Brad said laughing slightly as I walked up to them.

"Yeah, I guess they were really hungry." I said laughing slightly too.

"Hey April race you inside." Connor said grinning.

"Ok 3, 2, 1, GO!!" I said running as fast as I could towards the doors, Connor right behind me.

I managed to get through the service station door just before him, James, Tris and Brad casually walking behind.

Next Day

We were now at an empty Manchester arena at 10am while the stage was just being finished. Yet again Brad and Connor were pushing each other around on the boxes and nearly knocking the crew out.

Not wanting to get ran over I made my way to The Tides dressing room where they were all sat in the corner talking very quietly.

"Hey guys what you doing?" I asked confused as I went over to them.

"Oh hey April can you keep a secret?" Nate asked as they all turned to me.

"Erm yeah..." I replied, slightly more confused.

The four of them nodded to each other before gesturing me to sit with them.

"Ok you have to promise not to tell Brad, Tris, Connor or James." Austin said looking serious.

"Ok I promise so whats going on?" I said laughing slightly.

"Well since its the last night of UK tour, we want to prank The Vamps." Drew said quietly incase they were near us.

"We have a few ideas but don't know if they would work." Nate said.

"Ok so what ideas do you have?" I asked.

"Running on in weird hats in the middle of one of their songs or with neon stuff and glow sticks during Tris' drum solo." Levi said.

"I think you should do both. Maybe even ask the managers and people to do it was well." I said grinning at the thought of them pranking the vamps.

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