Chapter 13 - Off To Europe

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Bored. That was what I currently was. Sat on the top bunk next to the window in our cabin on the ferry going to France. We had only been on the boat for about half an hour and the guys were already fast asleep. The Wi-Fi was unbelievably slow so watching YouTube videos was out of the question.

I looked out of the small circle window next to me and a clear blue sky, a deep blue sea and a golden sun reflecting from the water. Not wanting to be stuck in a small room filled with the sound of snoring any longer, I decided to go out and explore. I quietly picked up my small bag and put my phone, IPod, headphones, money and boarding card ( so I could get back in the cabin) in it. I then left a small note taped to the window so the guys knew where I'd gone and then quietly left, not wanting to wake hem up.

I walked down the corridor to the nearest set of stairs. They had shiny golden coloured banisters, purple and blue patterned carpets and white walls. I went down two levels until I reached quite a busy deck. It had the duty free shops, arcade, a small cinema and a kids room.

I first went to the duty free shop to get some snacks for us all later. I decided to buy some Haribo Tangfastics, some Maltesers and some Skittles, which probably wont have been the best idea since they can send me hyper but oh well. 

After I had paid for the food I decided to go out onto the top deck where you go outside. There we only a few people out there and it wasn't really that windy. It was also quite warm.

I stood at the side looking out towards the front of the ship, seeing if any land was in sight, which it wasn't yet.

On the opposite side of the boat I could see a group of 4 girls who looked my age looking at me and whispering. Two of them were wearing The Vamps' t-shirts and I could see the others were also wearing The Tide's merch.

The started coming closer and I slightly began to regret wearing The Vamps hoodie that the boys had given me.

"Excuse me, do you know The Vamps and The Tide." The one with long brown hair asked.

"erm.." I started but wasn't sure what I was meant to say.

"Its just we think we've seen you in some of their Instagram photos and on their Snapchat stories." Another with shorter and more darker brown hair said.

"Well kind of." I replied nervously, not really knowing what to do.

"Well if you do know them would you maybe be able to ask them to follow us on Twitter." The blond haired on nervously asked.

I smiled a little as they handed me a small piece of paper with their Twitter names on.

"Thank you so much." They all said before walking away.

I put the paper into my bag.

I stayed there looking out to the sea for quite a while until I finally spotted a misty France in the distance. A announcement then came onto the ships speakers, "ladies and gentlemen we will be arriving in France in 45 minutes."

I smiled and then quickly made my way back to our cabin.

I slowly opened the door to see that the four of them hadn't moved and were still fast asleep. I suddenly had an idea. I closed the door again and made my way along the corridor to where The Vamps cabin was and by the sound of Connor doing his Scottish accent again and music I knew they were awake. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Hello??" I heard Tris say, the door still closed.

"Tris, its April." I said and a moment later the door opened.

"Hey April." I was greeted by the four of them.

"Hey guys, you don't by any chance have that silly string with you?" I asked earning a confused look from them.

"Yeah, why?" Brad asked looking confused.

"Nate, Levi, Drew and Austin are still asleep." I simply replied.

They then all started smiling.

"Here you go." Connor said throwing it over to me.

"Thanks guys." I said before making my way back to The Tides cabin.

I went back in and got a siren sound up on my phone. I stood between their bunks and turned my phone up to full volume.

As soon as I pressed play on the siren on full volume all four of them shot up. Austin smacking his head on Nate's bunk above him and Levi falling off his bunk that was above Drew. I then squirted all of their heads with the silly string, managing not to get it all over the actual cabin.

"What the??" Levi said still half asleep as he sat on the floor.

"What's going on?" Drew said while starting to pick the silly string out of his hair.

"Thought you guys would like to know were nearly there." I said grinning.

I got a glare from all four of them making me laugh.

"Couldn't you just wake us up normally?" Nate said also picking the brightly coloured string from his hair.

"nah that would be boring." I replied smiling.

He shook his head before getting off his bunk and gathering his things.

Half an hour later we were back on the tour bus driving through France. I sat in the small room at the front of the bus looking out of the huge window, taking in all the sights and surroundings of the sunny country. We drove past fields filled with brightly coloured plants and flowers, small houses painted white with blue fences and gates.

After a while of sitting on my own, Levi came and joined me, sitting on the opposite seat.

"France looks like a beautiful country doesn't it." He said also looking out of the window.

"It definitely does." I smiled "I cant wait to see what Paris looks like."

"You'll love it." He smiled looking at me. " We're gonna do loads of sightseeing while we're there."

"And I've also heard that it has some amazing chocolate shops." He grinned.

"I'm definitely excited now." I laughed.

"By the way if you're hungry there's some pizza out there but I'd be quick because the others will eat it all." He said standing up laughing, helping me up also.

"Lets go." I said heading to the back of the bus with him to find the pizza.

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