Chapter 26 - Flamingo Land Adventures

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"So is this a theme park or a zoo?" Drew asked a we went through the gates to Flamingo Land Yorkshire.

"Both I think." Austin replied.

"Yes! I can't wait to see the moneys." Nate cheered.

"Is that because you are one." Levi commented, earning a glare from Nate, which then caused us all to laugh.

Today while the New Hope Club boys had some kind of meeting, The Tide and me were all having a day out at Flamingo Land. Yesterday the boys played another one of their FanFests which went amazingly and everyone had an awesome time.

"So what's the plan?" I asked looking at a nearby map of the park.

"How's about we spend the morning in the theme park section then after lunch go to the zoo?" Austin suggested.

"Good idea." Drew smiled.

"I wanna go on that one first." Nate shouted pointing to the lighthouse shaped ride.

"Yeah, lets go." Drew said starting to run over to it.

"Hey bro wait up." Levi shouted as we all ran following behind him.

The park was empty since it was still pretty early and the boys had been let in the park an hour early.

"I'm just gonna wait here." I said stopping at the enterance to the ride.

"Oh no you're not." Levi said walking over.

"Yeah I am, you know I hate drop rides." I said to him.

"You're still coming." He grinned, getting hold of my arm an pulling me towards the ride.

"Noooo Levi, guys help." I shouted as I was pulled to the ride and pushed into the seat.

"Nah." They all replied sitting down in the other seats.

I ended up being trapped between Austin and Levi, who were both holding my wrists, preventing me from getting off.

Soon the barrier came down, trapping me on the ride. Once I couldn't get away the boys let go of my wrists meaning I grabbed tightly onto the bars either side of my head.

As the ride slowly started to move upwards my grip on the bars got tighter and I shut my eyes, waiting and wishing for it to be over.

When we reached the top of the light house the ride stopped. I was still gripping tightly to the handles either side of my head.

"Hey April look, you can see the entire park." Levi said from beside me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see an amazing view of the whole park. I could see all the different animals walking around their enclosures and the people waiting outside the entrance gates to come in.

I was suddenly snapped out of my trance of taking in the view by the ride very quickly dropping, resulting in me screaming very loudly with my eyes tightly closed once again.

I kept screaming as the ride continued to rise and swiftly drop again.

When we finally go of the ride from hell I couldn't walk or even stand straight, wobbling and shaking, nearly falling into Austin as we walked down the ramp.

"See it wasn't that bad was it?" Levi asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I just gave him a glare in response, causing the four of them to laugh.

We walked up to the photo booth for the ride and looked for ours. I have to admit I did find it quite funny when I saw it. I was sat with a look of pure terror on my face while the boys all looked like over excited children that were having the best time of their lives.

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