Chapter 7 - Concert

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Once we got back to the arena the boys started to get ready for the show. The Tide were on first but we're taking the longest to get ready.

"Hey April, please could you film us performing one of our songs for the latest vlogeraptor" Austin asked once they were all finally ready.

"Sure which song?" I asked him.

"Erm Falling In Love Tonight would be good" he replied smiling since he knew I really liked that song.

"Ok will do" I replied.

"Will The Tide please make their way to the stage" a voice came through the speaker in the dressing room.

"Woooo Lets go" Drew shouted running out of the dressing room, followed by Nate and Austin.

"Come on" Levi said taking hold of my hand before we both ran to stage, following the others.

"Good luck guys" I said as I stood at the side of the stage just before they walked on.

As soon as they were out there the arena erupted with screams.

"Hi I'm Austin."

"Hi I'm Levi"

"Hey I'm Drew."

"Hey I'm Nate"

"And we are The Tide."

They said as soon as the lights went on them.

They then began to sing a cover of Stitches by Shawn Mendes.

From the side of the stage I could hear the audience singing along as the boys voices filled the arena.

I had a huge smile across my face as I watched them. Not only were they my favorite band but they were my best friends.

Suddenly Brad popped up behind me, holding a video camera.

"Forgot to give you this before" he said handing it to me.

"Thanks Brad" I smiled as I turned it on just as the boys started to play the begging of falling in love tonight.

As I stood filming the song, every time Levi sang a part he looked directly at me.

After they had finished that song they sang 1 final one, Don't stop by 5sos.

"Guys that was amazing" I said as they came off stage and pulled me into a random group hug.

"It's great to be back on stage" Drew said.

"Definitely agree with you there" Nate said.

We all stayed at the side of the stage while The Vamps performed. The were amazing too.

They had just began singing Wake Up when 5 people in Vamps t-shirts and wigs ran onto the stage.

The Tide were all in hysterics at the side of me and the vamps themselves were trying their best to keep singing while the 5 people danced around them.

When one of them looked over in our direction they looked very familiar.

Some how the one that had a blonde wig on ended up on Connors back, while he was still singing.

Once the Vamps had finished singing Wake Up one of the people took Brads mic and the five of them all gathered around it.

"HEY GUYS WE'RE THE JANOSKIANS" They all shouted and that's when I realized what was going on.

The crowd roared with excitement once they realized who the boys were.

"So guys how good are The Vamps?" Jai said into the mic they took from Brad, who was still laughing. Jai gained thousands of screams in response.

Beau then took the mic and began singing. "SO WAKE UP!!!! YOUR SLEEPING HEART!!!!"

He didn't manage to sing any more because Brad had taken his mic back.

"Say bye to the Janoskians everyone" Brad said while waving towards the boys.

Once the Janoskians had left the stage, the vamps carried on singing songs such as Cheater , Rest Your Love, Risk it all and Last Night, before finishing with Can We Dance.

Once show had finished everyone headed back to their dressing rooms to get their things before we had to go to the hotel.

"So April did you enjoy the show?" Drew asked.

"Sure did, you guys were amazing." I said siling at the four of them.

"Glad you had a good time." Austin smile.

"By the way, did you guys know that The Janoskians were gonna come and do that on stage?" I then asked them.

"No idea but it was so funny." Nate said giggling again.

"Hey April I was wondering, since I know you like their videos and stuff would you like to go meet them?" Lev said smiling in my direction.

"I'd love to!!" I replied with a huge grin on my face.

"Thought you would, come on." He said smiling and taking hold of my hand.

"Be back later guys." He said to the others, who were now spinning Drew around in an egg shaped spinning set.

As we walked hand in hand down the corridor, the sound of Australian accents were getting louder.

"You ready?" He asked as we stopped outside a door.

"Ready." I replied.

He knocked on the door before going in.

"Hi Levi" Daniel said as we went in.

"Hey guys, this is April she's a big fan of your videos." Levi said.

"Well I guess you already know our names then." James said smiling.

"Yeah" I smiled back at him.

"So you watch our videos?" Luke asked coming over to us.

"Yeah you guys are hilarious" I said smiling at all of them.

"Aww thanks." He smiled back.

"Hey April do you want a picture?" Beau asked coming over with Jai.

"Yes please." I replied.

We got on of the security to take the picture with my phone so all 7 of us could get in. I stood between Levi and Luke.

After we had taken a few pictures the boys all followed my on twitter and instagram.

"Thanks a lot guys it was great meeting you" I said to the five of them.

"It was nice meeting you to April." Jai said.

Once we had said bye to them all we headed to the dressing room to collect our tings before heading to our hotel.

I was so tired after the day that once I got into my room I fell straight to sleep.

Sorry I haven't updated this in ages Ive just been really busy. Also I accidently unpublished the story but Ive fixed everything now.

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