Chapter 23 - Exam and Food

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The boys had been gone for a few days now but didn't have their first Fanfest show until Monday. It was currently Thursday and I was penny boarding to school a little early since I had my exam today.

"April!" I heard Georgia calling my name as I went through the school gates.

I was only about 45 minutes early to school yet there was nobody except me, Georgia and the others here.

"You ready for the exam?" Brooklyn asked as we entered the school building and headed to our lockers.

"I think so, are you guys." I replied as we walked down the corridors.

"Ehh I suppose." Charlie replied.

"We'll all be just fine." Georgia smiled as we all opened out lockers and put of things we wouldn't need until later inside.

"So I'd say we head to the lunch hall, grab some breakfast and then do a bit of last minute revision." Poppy smiled.

"Well I like the sound of the food part." Lucas said smiling.

"Well, lets go." I said loudly, closing my locker and the heading off in the direction of food.

"Hey nerds." Dylan said as he walked past, following closely behind Charity.

It now wasn't that long until the bell would go for us to go to form and nearly everyone was in school now.

We all just pretended that we didn't hear him and continued talking. After about half an hour of last minute revision we gave up and just decided to talk about really random things.

Soon the bell sounded signalling it was time for us all to make our way to form.

\when we reached the room we all sat down in our usual seats and our tutor took the register.

"Right now can you all quietly make your way down to the exam hall." He said once he had finished the register.

"Well that was a long form time." Lucas whispered sarcastically.

"I Said Quietly Lucas Waters." Our tutor warned him.

"Sorry sir." Lucas replied.

After the longest exam of my life and a few more dull lessons I finally made it home.

"April hurry up and get changed into something nice, we're all going out to dinner since your Uncle and the boys are leaving tomorrow." My mum said as a walk through the door.

"What time are we going?" I asked.

"5:30." She replied. It was now 4.

"Okie dokie." I replied before heading up to my room.

I placed my school bag beside my desk before opening why wardrobe to look for something to wear.

Since I knew my mum wouldn't let me wear my skinny jeans I pulled out one of my summer dresses. I was white and had a simple purple and blue pattern on it. I put it on and it went to just above my knee. I then found my light blue slip on shoes and put them on. I then brushed my hair before curling it in simple waves and placing a blue flower crown on my head. Of course I also had my infinity necklace from Levi on since I never really take it off.

Just as I finished getting ready I heard my IPad ringing over on my desk. I took hold of it and saw Levi was face timing me.  I quickly answered it and then had to quickly cover my ears when a very load "APRIL!!" came through.

"Hey guys." I smiled at the four of them on the screen whilst talking my hands away from my ears.

"So you missing us." Austin asked smiling back.

California Dreams - ( Levi Jones )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant