Prologue: The Mafia

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September 24, 2000

Athens, Greece

3rd person POV

 He looked him in the eye, as he puffed his cigarette in deliberate bursts.

"Are you bullshitting me, Marco?" He pointed his cigarette at Marco as he questioned him with his Russian accent.

He tapped his shoes impatiently as he waved his hand in the air. Marco didn't seem amused a bit as he sipped his wine.

"You know me, Arkady, I don't fuck around with what I say. A deal is a deal, isn't it, fratello?"

He smiled as his bodyguard approached him and handed him a suitcase. Then, he resumed to his position, beside the door.

"Let's start, shall we?" Arkady suggested as he places the suitcase onto the metal table.

"How about him?" Marco pointed to the bodyguard standing by the door as he brought his glass to his lips.

"Don't worry about him, Marco. He's no threat." Arkady breathed, as Marco nodded before finishing his strong wine, understanding discreetly.

Arkady snaps open the case to reveal a file, handing it to Marco.

"Let' see." Marco murmured, finding this whole ordeal familiar in some way. He opened the file as he brought down his reading glasses to his face. After intently scanning the contract, the uplifted grin on his face didn't dispense.

"Very well, send him my regards," Marco stated as he gestured the file to Arkady, right after signing. Arkady beamed in reply as he waited for Marco to hand him back the file.

"Tell him, when she becomes of age, he'll ship her right over. His money and companies will remain with me until then."

Arkady's facial expression didn't falter one bit.

"I guess our business deal is sealed then." Arkady declared as he snatched the file and placed it into the case. His gaze remains steady as he reaches out to his suit and pulls out a gun.

"Good day, Marco." He smiled coldly, as he pointed the gun to what was behind him and pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The guard crumbled down to the ground with a gaping hole through his head.

Before Arkady could leave, he briefly glanced back at Marco one last time.

" - and I almost forgot to say Mr. Marco, but tell Master Arkady yourself. It was clever of him to send me disguised as him. That wax art on my face makes me itch underneath, and you didn't even realize the difference between us."

Marco was amused at the cleverness of Arkady. He sends his right-hand man to finish up all his dirty work. Marco praised him, tossing his cigarette to the ground before crushing it with his foot in one swift movement. "Then tell Mr. Arkady that we have a deal, do we?"

"Indeed Sir, good day now." The man in front of him said, before glancing back at the guy he just killed. On his way out, he briefly stepped over him, his nose twitching at the metallic aroma of blood. For him, it was neither just another day, nothing better nor the less.

It was quite amusing actually.

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