The Persue

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Multimedia: Vincent's car


" Where the hell are you taking me?!" I half yell and demand at the same time.

His on" fleek" baby blue Lamborghini skidded to a stop, making me almost fly out through the windshield. No wonder why we have seat belts, thank the Lord upon this invention, despise its simplicity. He got out the car and I just froze into place. He was driving like a mad man, more than 100 MPH , and then just steps on the brake pedal...........

Suddenly, someone knocks on my window, while my brain was processing. It was Vincent. "Get out the car!" He demanded as I crossed my arms. What happened to Happy Ronald McDonald Vincent?

" Um, have you seen this place? We are literally nowhere!" I reply, raising a brow.

I looked at our surrounding. It was like we have reached a patch of never less deserted woods. By now I was 99.9999999% that he was going to abandon me here. I looked to my left and saw this jet looking aircraft, in the distance of a cleared area, where not a single tree stood.

" Actually, according to Google Maps, we are somewhere, so using the term, " literally nowhere" is a false accusation, Miss Jenkins. By all means, your statement actually made my intellectual capacity drop down a good 50%." And then he mumbled something under his breath that sounded like, " It made me feel as dumb as when I watched Kylie Jenner hold a green bean, and be like, " Oh my Lord, what is this!"

By this point, I was 100% sure, Vincent Giovanni had a split personality. I wonder if Mr. Walker's pills would work on him. Oh, gosh Mr. Walker had just died like an hour ago... God bless your soul Mr.Walker and rest in peace, even though you were one damn bipolar son of a bitch.

My mind returned to Vincent who stood there, jaw clenched and all. This man was making my blood boil. First, he was the one that pulled me into this mess, and now he wants to control me and make me become his souvenir puppy, with by the way, "Skylark Industries and Cooperation," printed onto my ass. Second, he killed my boss, and now I was jobless and tomorrow I was supposed to receive my monthly paycheck! ( Note, that I'm crying about losing my job and not my boss... How heartless can I get? I mean your girl Angelina got to live, right?Finally, he wants to compare me to some... some... there was no words to describe Kylie Jenner...

Boy, he was gonna get it......

I thrust open the car door and make sure to slam the door, hard. Let's watch this bitch cry about his baby crushed door.....

God dammit, I should've slammed the Lamborghini's door a little bit harder to do some damage, I thought right after I realized that I door was still attached and not immobilized.

I stood up, eye to eye, to Vincent ( By the way, I had to look up because that son of a bachelor had a good 5 inches above my head, even though I was in heels. Note, I'm only 5'9 without heels) and I nudged his chest, hard with my fist.

I made a daring move, and made eye contact with his hazel gray orbs, and kept hold. " YOU!" I said through my clenched teeth.

He raises a brow, clearly not amused. "Yes."

Oh how much he made my blood boil. He realized my contempt, and his lips curled into a smirk, showing off his pearl white perfect teeth. Did he get a whitening session every week? I was simply going Off topic.

" You!" I said again, punching his chest. This time, he frowns. Great Angelina, how stupid can you sound repeating the same phrase, YOU! How could he now take you seriously?

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