Damn Piece of Shard

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I sealed my lips close, frightened of the consequences if a whimper escaped my mouth. Bile already rose into my throat, unmerciful.

Another shot was fired. Another falling body crashing onto the ground.
As soon as the intruders were visibly, Damien and Luca's precise aim, shot down two of the men. I barely saw what was happening due to the state I was in. One second I wanted to fall unconscious as another, I was struggling to keep my eyes open.

The pain never subsided.

F*ck this shit. I looked down at the shard of glass embedded within me. I wrapped my fingers around it, and counted.




Before I can continue to count down, my hand pulled out the shard, causing me to yelp as blood gushed out of me. The pain didn't go away. By all means, this was the stupidest thing I have ever done. My voice had attracted attention.

Damien's and Luca's presence seemed to disappear out the room. They were probably on the other sides of the mansion, terminating other potential threats. Great, I was worthless too them... They left me here to bleed to death.

An unbearable wave of pain crashed through me, when I lifted the upper part of my body and got up. Suddenly shoes clicked towards the room I was in. I held my breath and went back to lying onto my back. I bit my lip, trying to not yelp, when I moved my body under one of the couches. Once I succeeded in doing that, I stayed there, silently gasping for breaths to keep me living.

The approaching feet slowed down once they reached the room I as in. I heard a gun be reloaded.

Please don't let them come in here....... My heart fell into a terrifying frenzy, as I prayed.

The satisfying silence that followed after that indicated that whoever was there had left. I doubt the person is just standing there like some dumb*ss.

My vision became to weary, as dots began to dance in my vision. I made no attempt of trying to wake up.

Just before, I slipped into a blissful state of sleep, or in other words, death, two cold rough hands grabbed my ankles and pulled me from underneath the couch. I screamed due to the surprise and the pain ripping into me. This was like another episode of a horror movie...Anna-bell.

Except it wasn't a doll that yanked me out, but rather a large buff man. Kill me now...

My eyes widened and I began to thrash when he leaned down and pinned my arms above my head.

His lips curled into a smile, which portrayed his nasty yellow teeth. I scoffed.

"What do we have here?" His eyes trailed across my body, indeed eye-raping.

"Let me go, you bastard!" I yelled struggling against his grip.

"Oh, we have a wounded little kitten here. Did they leave you here to rot?

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I should call my partners for us to have fun with you. " He sneered when I didn't respond.

I spat onto his face. What sick man would rape a wounded defenseless girl, on the verge of death?

I slammed my good leg into his groin as I started screaming and yelling for help, since I couldn't literally run out of the room. I dragged myself as fast as I can, when he crumbled to the ground.

"YOU bitch!"

I was almost close to the door, when he grabbed me and hurled me to the wall. Shit, I was going to die today. I hissed in pain, due from the impact.

"Change of plan, I will have the pleasure in killing a whore like you!" He growled, as he flipped me, and again pinned me to the ground.

Was there any bloody lamp or vase I could crash onto his head?

I was out of luck. He pulled out his gun, and fired it onto my head. But then, I opened my eyes finding myself still alive.

"You're one lucky bitch!" He sneered hurling his gun to one of the hanging painting. It dismounted from the wall, crashing onto the ground. Pity....

He cocked his head and glanced at me. "Well, I know another way I can kill you with."

With that, he dove towards me. His rough hands wrapped around my throat, blocking my airway.

Yes, this is how it all happened. Here I was again....

Petrified wasn't even a close enough word that would express what was happening before me.

I was on the ground, with a hand wrapped around my gullet, or in other words, my throat. Even though my mouth was wide open, gasping for air, it was no use. My hands were wrapped around his hand, trying to yank it off. The force this man had was disastrous, to my case.

Black spots began to dance in my vision line, as his sky blue eyes which were full of lust, were beginning to become blurry. The only thing I can see was his mouth. It was stretched into a thin line. Was it satisfaction or madness? Moments later, his mouth didn't curve upwards nor downwards, it remained in a straight line. Was taking my life not satisfaction that he had just accomplished something? My life wasn't even worth his satisfaction. Pity.

From the background, I heard a familiar voice yelling. Was it Vincent?

I became numb. Not to mention the blood still pouring out of my thigh. Pathetic really.

The last I remember, was my head drooping to the right, immobilized as no breath rose in response. But this time I heard a shot ring through the air. What difference can this shot ever make? I heard it all before. When darkness takes over, you're officially done. I was finally dead.


Happy New Years, by the way!!! I have enjoyed the last 2 months and a half with you all, writing this book, and I am waiting for the journey ahead.

This isn't a long satisfying chapter, but I wanted to get a chapter in for New Years. 

Best wishes and everlasting health to all of you for 2016. Like they say, you have 365 empty pages in a book, waiting for you to write in. Write a good and spectacular one, with good choices. Tomorrow is a new day, with upcoming opportunities for you, so cherish everything 2016 will offer you! Happy New Years!!!

Will edit later. 


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