Chapter Ten

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The next day, I was fine again, just confused about what I tripped about. Would Phil ever get his revenge on me though? I don't think that he would, he's weak.

Even if Phil did try to get revenge on me at some point, it would completely back fire because I'm sure Alfie or someone else in his posse would just annihilate him at any opportunity.

I've came to the conclusion that most people bully because they want to be popular, they want the daily attention. They need cathartic release. People interpret things differently, so Alfie might think that the stuff that he is doing isn't bad, that there isn't anything wrong with acting deranged, he might think that it is normal. But what defines normality?

What's to say that the people we call 'psychos' are actual the normal ones, that we're the ones doing wrong. There is no confirmed definition on what the normal human behaviour is, is it to just sit quietly and blend in with the rest of society? Or is it to be eccentric and flamboyant? No one really knows and that's why I think that we shouldn't call people 'psychos' because maybe those people are the normal ones.

Anyway, after last nights long and confusing events, I decided it would be better if I was just to be at one with my thought and sort out what I'm doing.

I can't keep what I'm doing to the weaker ones at school, this just makes them feel bad. I just don't understand how someone who has been through so much shit can be so nice to someone who put them through all of that. Maybe they understand what it is like to be treated that way, so they try their very hardest to not let other people feel it. Everyone has secrets, they're inevitable so no one really knows what different people are going through.

This is why bullying needs to stop. Everyone on this planet is equal, whether they're famous or just what society would call them a 'nerd' or something along the lines, everyone is equal. Different genders are equal. Fuck the stereotype of 'women are made to clean the house, to give birth and look after that child', men can do that too. Men and women are equal, regardless of sexuality, race, religion or anything like that. We're all in this world together, meaning that we all need to sort our shit out and work together. If people continue hating on one another to the point of death, this is not the co-operation that the work needs.

Everyone dreams of utopias, and even though some may be impossible, if the world was to work together, then we could nearly get there. Yes people would still have to work, do things that they wouldn't want to in their dreams, but we can make the world a happier place.

We say that life is short so you should enjoy it, but life is the longest thing that humans can experience. Just because something is short, doesn't mean that the longer things in life should be less enjoyable.

So that's it, I'm still going to try and fit in with society, but I am also going to stop treating people like shit when they don't deserve it.


Once again it's Monday.

This is the most disliked day of them all, usually, I didn't mind it, but today I was dreading it. I had the intention that I wasn't going to hurt anyone, regardless of the amount of peer pressure I was sure to face. I knew this day was going to be hard, but I would have to suck it up and deal with it.

I did my usual morning routine but today I found that I was the only one in the house, for some reason my Mum had left the house early, and Adam was probably at a girlfriends house.

Instead of trying to creep down the stairs in desperate hope not to wake anyone up, I could do things at leisure and as loud as I wanted, not having to take in the consideration of my family.

I bought down my shitty brick phone and played some music, not really caring what music came on. I love music. Even though you could be surrounded by loads of people, if you were to play music you could escape them, escape reality. People interpret music in many different ways, the lyrics tell a different story to everyone that hears them. There are loads of music genres from different eras and  yet, each one is loved by someone on this planet. Music brings a sense of joy to listeners as they react in different ways, some people sit quietly, taking in the music, pondering about the lyrics and what they could possibly mean, but some people could be flamboyant, dancing, singing the words loudly with passion. Yet some people could just be mumbling under their breaths doing both.

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