Chapter Four

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written by nikki314159265

The next day, I woke up to a soft taping on my door. I opened my eyes and saw November standing in the doorway, a mischievous smile crawling across her face. "What do you want" I groaned. Turned my head to look at the clock on my new nightstand. "Go away, it's 6:05 in the morning." "Lucifera's on her period. She was screaming Bloody Mary from all the way across the hall. Her sheets are stained and I'm the only one awake so..." "Ok stop" I exclaimed with an exasperated sigh. "Why the hell would I care." November began to laugh. "I never expected you to care" she said. "But you know what happens when Alison sees blood." I began to look back on when we were eight years old and Saffron fell and scraped her knee. Alison began screeching in a low key tone and wrapped her arms around me so tight it began to cut off my windpipes. Saffron and November had to pry her hands off of my neck before she strangled me to death. Ever since then, she would do that every time she saw even a drop of blood. "So" November continued. "You gonna clean that mess up or what?" "Dammit" I said under my breath. Without another word, I rolled out of bed, put on my new, warm slippers, and dragged myself over to Lucifera's room.

"Holy crap" I exclaimed when I got to the room. "It looks like freaken Texas Chainsaw Massacre in here." All of a sudden, there was a shrill scream from the bathroom. "Ughhhhhhhhh the cramps" Lucifera screamed. She opened the door and fell to the ground at our feet. "Ok you take care of the bed and I'll handle this train wreck" November groaned. "Common" she said to Lucifera. "Let's find some Advil and chocolate." There I was, stuck in a room at 6am, forced to clean up freaken period blood off of white sheets so I wouldn't be strangled by the exorcist. "Great" I whispered. "Just great."

After a few minutes of pulling off the white sheets and trying to flip the mattress to hide the stain, Lucifera came back into the room. Behind her came November, hiding something behind her back. "November, what is that" I asked, paying half attention. All of a sudden, I saw thirdly or so tampons being fired at me and November singing "I'm the queen be come get it." "What the hell is wrong with you." I screamed. Most of the time I would have found this funny, but after being woken up at 6am and being forced to clean up freaking period blood, I was pretty pissed. November berated out laughing, then ran into the closet and slammed the door. I began to pound on the door until Saffron and Alison came in. "What the hell is going on in here?" Saffron exclaimed. November opened the door and dashed out of the room doubling over in laughter. "Ok so I'm guessing she did something...again" Saffron said. "Who throws tampons at someone at 6:30 in the morning" I said. "Wait" Saffron said, laughing. "She did what?!" "Dude, it's not funny." "Ok ok." She began. "Wanna get back?" "No duh" I exclaimed. Saffron started to whispered her plan to me. Alison was curled in a corner, scraping the illuminati onto the walls with a rock. That's all she ever did in the orphanage.

Meanwhile, November ran and found Fergus's room. "Yo Fergus, wake up" she whispered. "No leave me alone." He groaned, burying his head under the sheets. "Dude, I'll give you five bucks if you do one thing for me." "What is it" he said, suddenly fully awake. "We have the same hair color. All I need you to do is sit on my bed with your back to the door. It's the room directly across the hall" November said. "Whatever you do, DON'T TURN AROUND. Even if you here people behind you, don't look. "Wait, why" he began to ask. "Shhhh," November said, cutting him off. "Just do it, ok." "Fine I'll do it...for fifteen bucks. "Ten" November said, not in the mood for negotiating. "Twelve?" "Fine".

Back where I was, Saffron planned to make a batch of corn syrup blood she learned how to make at the orphanage. "That color looks enough like blood" I said to Saffron. "Just one more drop of blue and...there" she said. We then proceeded to dip each tampon she threw into the fake blood and placed them into the freezer for a few minutes so the blood wouldn't get everywhere. "Ok so once they are all set, make sure Alison is locked in a room so she won't freak out." Saffron said. "It's all taken care of." I told her. "Lucifera is watching her. You ready?" "Whenever you are" Saffron exclaimed with an excited expression on her face. "This is going to be epic" I said. "I can't wait to see the expressions on her face."

We gathered all of the frozen tampons and made our way to Novembers room. We opened the door without a creak and began to tiptoe up to her bed. She was sitting on her bed, her back to us. "Woah November, you cut her hair!" I exclaimed, surprised. Before any reaction, we threw the fake blood covered tampons all over November. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" November screamed. But it wasn't November. "FERGUS" me and Saffron exclaimed at the same time. "EWW THATS SO NASTY" Fergus screamed, shaking everything off of him. "You guys are so dead!!!" Then, Fergus began to chuck the tampons at us. "DUDE, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE NOVEMBER." I picked up a few of the tampons thrown over to our side and began chucking then back. Soon we were caught up in a full blown tampon war. There were tampons flying left and right, all around us. All of a sudden, when we thought things couldn't get any worse, Alison came in. "Oh crap" I thought. Fergus chucked one right at her head. "Nooooo" I screamed. Alison came over, her eyes practically bulging out of her head."I lost control of her" Lucifera screamed. She lunged to hold Alison back but it was to late. Her ice cold hands wrapped around my throat. She began viciously shaking my head and whispering some gibberish. It sounded like a satanic ritual. I began to see black spots dance before my eyes. Everything began to go in slow motion after that. I heard Saffron screaming "Alison no!" I saw glimpses of Fergus standing in shock. I felt Lucifera's and Saffrons hands, trying to pry Alison off of me. Finally, once I felt like my lungs were about to explode, Saffron yanked Alison off of me. I gasped for air. Saffron helped me up. The room was silent. Then, in the corner where the closet was, I heard a small beep. "Shhhhh" I told the others. Then, slowly, we all made our way over to the closet. Before any of us reached it, November popped out with a hand held video camera, bursting out in laughter. "You should have seen yourselves." She said, practically crying from laughing so hard. "You're all idiots." "I'm gonna kill you!!!" Fergus screamed. We all lunged for her, but before we could get far, Oprah walked in. "WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" She exclaimed. "Oh no" we all said in unison. "Why are you using these tampons, when you could be using the starched ones? They are way better to throw and hold more then the soft ones." We all stared at her in shock. How was she not mad, we just had a full blown tampon war in our first twenty for hours there?! "Here" she exclaimed, opening a box of starched tampons. She began throwing them out to us. "You get a tampon and you get a tampon."

WRITTEN BY nikki314159265

'thank you' writing this, against my will. 

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