Chapter Twenty Five

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Fergus's POV

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. November didn't just say that. She can't be... 

It's not fair. 

Not even a month after she cheats on me, she gets impregnated. And with Jordan Weebly, the caterer. The goddamn caterer. Before him, it was Eric Fortress, the  gardener. She has turned into such a.. what's the word... oh well. 

In my hazed anger, I shaved my head. Now, roughly a month later, I have a purple buzzcut. She thinks she can get away with this, but I have my plan to get my revenge. 

I'm gonna date her biological sister. 

You see, she has a biological sister, which we found out when he met her biological mother. Her sister, who, weirdly, is also named Orchid, like Orchid our adopted sister, but this Orchid is Orchid Minaj, not Orchid Summer-Spring Lakes, is actually really cool. I feel like I can easily convert her to a weeaboo, like me. 

"Hey, are you Orchid Minaj?" I say, sitting down at our agreed meeting place. 

The girl with flowing, wavy, brown hair and gorgeous coffee-colored orbs looks up from her tea and, pushing her beanie back a little, nods and says, "Hey Fergie." 

I could sense that she was AMAZING already. Her perfect, round, smooth face was glowing like the moon. I knew, I just knew, that after November-Nancy, that she would be perfect for me. We could get married! Yea, I know, it's been five minutes. 

But I'm The President. 

"Hey, Fergus, are you gonna talk to me? What's up?" She said, breaking me out of the trance. 

"Oh, right... hah. Sooooo how do you feel about my favorite thing in the world, the only thing that gives me purpose, my sweet that I couldn't live without, my precious idol, anime?"

"Oh, that.. I don't particularly like that..." she said, sweeping the table off with one sleeve of her navy-blue sweater. 

"Oh. Ok. Do you mind if my siblings and I call you Flower?" I asked, innocently and sweetly. 

She accepted. 

When it came time for us to order our food, I ordered a hearty meal, and she ordered a salad. Obviously I paid. 

I went back home, and went to my room to think.

I kept thinking of this one day, back before I was in the orphanage, when I was still living with Ma and Pa, back on the farm in Sonoma, the day of the storm that took Pa actually...

I was little, only about eight years old, and I was planting the crops with Pa. Pa looked up from the corn seedlings and told me to go inside. I walked into the house, and tried to look for Ma and my twin sister, Nutrition. I found them huddling in the main wardrobe in the basement. I climbed into the wardrobe after them, and we stayed in there for hours, listening to the wind whipping around the house, the rain falling down in sheets, and the lightning, oh the lightning, horrible memories. When the storm settled, Nutrition and I ran out to the corn field and saw nothing. 

Everything was destroyed, and there was no sign of Pa. 

Maybe a year or so later, the three of us left the farm and moved to the big city of San Francisco. We lived there for a year, and then it happened. Mom committed suicide, leaving Nutrition and I to our aunt Brenda Gregory, who owned an orphanage. We lived there, trying not to get adopted, barely enjoying anything anymore. 

Then Nutrition got adopted. Not me, just her. 

Take in mind that we were only 9 or so when that happened, and it was traumatizing. 

I started to socialize with the other orphans, especially the ones who had been there for quite a while, like Saffron, Lucifera, Allison, Orchid, although she'd only been there for three years, and... November. 

I broke down crying, the first time since I found out she cheated on me. 

My life was crumbling in on itself, and I had no control over it for the first time. 

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