Chapter Twenty

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(Same warning as last chp.!) 


We rushed down to the hospital, greeting Mom, Jared, and Mildred in the lobby. We were taken to her room, where we saw Lucifera lying there, tubes galore, and her husband and her eight children sitting there, the stifling air of the room taking a tool on their sleep patterns. 

"Hi Satanley, Demona, Demoness, Demoner, Deville, Darkona, Darknee, Satanley Jr., and little Steve. How's she doing?" Saffron said, with worry in her voice. 

"Oh... they said she will be awake in about a day or so... I never thought she would do this... We were all happy... She left a note, for Saffron." Satanley said, tears dripping from his sharp chin. 

"For me? Okay then..." she said, taking the letter, "Hello, or should I say goodbye? I don't know what to say. I feel forgotten. No one calls, talks to me, I just seemed to drop from your lives when Vincent swept me up. He was cheating on me... her name was Talulah, the worst part is that she was my friend... I up and left that town, going on to Lake Tahoe, where I met Satanley. I had the kids, and went to May's wedding... and then you dropped me again. It seems that you don't want me... that I am useless and nothing... So this is it. Give me a proper funeral. Tell the press it was an accident." Saffron read. 


By the end of that, there were a few tears. Then the monitor picked up, and the machines began to flash. 

"Nurse! Nurse! We need a nurse! Do you know who I am?!" Fergus cried, worried about his pal. 

In a minute, the nurse arrived, and he was able to stabilize her.  The monitors were still again. All of a sudden, a bright, red, light engulfed the room. Lucifera's eyes fluttered, and then she woke up. The nurses came in and checked on her, and she seemed to be fine. Then she spoke. 

"Who.. are you? Where am I?" she said, looking scared. We were about to call in another nurse, when she put out a huge grin. 

"I got you so good! What, you think I would have forgotten you? Not even close. You guys are the best. But, you," she says, pointing to Fergus, "who are you? I am dead serious who are you and if you don't say anything I'm going to call the cops. You are a danger to society." 

What was that? She and Fergus were really close, and I can tell that this time she isn't joking. I have to get to the bottom of this. There must be something wrong. I sped out of the building, and went to her house. Pulling out my spare key, and as I am about to open the door, someone grabs me by the shoulder. 

"Orchid. I know who you are, even though I have only seen you once. I think you can figure out who I am." the mysterious stranger says. 

"Vincent. What did you do to Lucifera? You did something to her." I say, clearly shaken. 

"Oh... only a few drops of," pulling out a bottle of a well known memory-erasing drug, "this. Mix it with a hair of the one that you want to forget, and 'poof' they are gone from your mind. Easy to do.. once they're under, write up a false suicide note, and your part is done. I am such a genius." stated Vincent, who had been stroking my shoulders the whole time. 

Then, as if summoned by magic, the police had arrived. Little did he know, I called the police as soon as he grabbed my shoulder. They had heard his entire victory gloat, and had come prepared to arrest him. Within twenty minutes, he was handcuffed, and in the car. I gave a short interview, and the ordeal was soon to be over. Lucifera just had to give her standpoint. 

I drove back, and everyone was watching Fergus give the State of the Union Address at the actual White House, and not the Winfrey-Gregory Manor next door, where we actually live. The best part is that we won't have to move out when Fergus's term ends in 4, or 8, years. He designed the whole building, and there are 'support beams' in his bedroom and in the living room. At least he didn't ruin the rest of the bedrooms. 

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