Chapter Twenty Six

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It's been 9 years since I've seen my brother in the flesh. I see him on TV all the time, he's everywhere in the news, and I could never be prouder. Fergus wasn't adopted when I was adopted back in 2007. I'm so sure he hasn't forgotten me, but I can always worry. 

He doesn't know what I've been assigned to do, either. 

I'm a professional assassin. 

I've been assigned to kill my own brother. 

No one knows my past, before the Agency took me away all those years ago. They beat me into shape, turning me into a killer. No one knows I was born on a farm in Sonoma, no one knows I have a twin brother, or that my mom killed herself after my dad disappeared in a storm. I know what happened to Dad, unlike Fergus. I was dad's favorite, so he told me. 

He was having an affair. 

With Oprah Winfrey.

Yea, that Oprah Winfrey. Technically, we have a half-sibling. Her name's May. My father, however, is broadly famous now. His name is Donald Trump. He made himself a name, destroyed his reputation. 

I told my mom this after a year of living in San Francisco. She proceeded to hang herself. 

At the school play. 

On our birthday. 

Her corpse swung down from the curtains right as they went up. 

I'm getting sidetracked. 

Anyway, I have to kill Fergus Gregory. My own brother. 

Why? Because the Agency said so. 

But I'm not gonna do it. 

I'm gonna kill the head of the Agency. Ted Cruz. 

Yea, that Ted Cruz. 

I remember the day the Agency took me away from my brother. It was the middle of the night, and Brenda  was up, drinking brandy. I awoke to a sharp knock at the door. There was some loud discussion, and then my name was brought up. Then Fergus's, and then some negative adjectives. Then, my things were packed, and I was swept away. 

Ugh, enough backstory.. 

I'm heading to DC on a plane now... 

I order a cup of black coffee, and drift into sleep.

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