Chapter Twelve

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The next day, all of us were in Saffron's room, reading all of the papers she had found in Mom's office. We had found Fergus's paper, but he knew his biological family. Also, my birthday was coming up! We were going to have a huge party with all of the celebrities at DISNEYWORLD!!!!!!! We were looking at the papers, when suddenly November gasps and drops the paper. "SAFFRON! I FOUND YOUR PAPERS!" Saffron looked up with hop in her eyes and said, "Give it here." 

Name: Sara Saffron Malik Brayden

Mother: Lisa Braeden 

Father: Zazzy 

DOB: November 2nd, 1999.  

"Don't talk about him. I watched him die." Saffron whispers. We all gasp, and then Saffron screams. "HER PHONE NUMBER IS HERE!" "Hello? Lisa speaking." "Mom? It's Sara." "Oh my god. After all these years, you finally found me. Where are you?" "I'm uh, at the White House." "My baby made it! Oh thank god you're sane!" She showed up at the door exactly an hour later. Then she told Saffron's story.  

You were the child of a demon. He possessed your actual father, but you know that. He took you away from me when you were only two weeks old. Your actual father, he... he died. Two brothers, they killed the demon, but.. they took your father in the process. 

"You have a brother, you know," Lisa said, "he's at school right now, but he remembers you. You were both so... young." "I know my father's name, I knew he was a demon. He raised me until I was five years old, he loved me, but I could tell he was evil. He always left, said he had to go to work. Told everyone he was a salesman. One day, he didn't come back. Someone found me, all alone in our apartment. Took me to Sweet Souls." We were all so shocked that Saffron wasn't really human. It seemed that she was a whole new person now, that she didn't really feel like telling us. "Saffron. Why did you hide this from us? You betrayed all of us!" We all stormed out. Fergus put a heavy tax on all things bearing the name of Saffron. He was seething with anger. A few days later, Saffron called me on the phone. "Hey Orchid, I'm sorry. I should've told you guys before, I just didn't think it was so important." "It's fine, and we were gonna come home anyway." That week was the most boring week we had ever had. When we made up, we took a trip to Las Vegas. Mildred let us gamble, and Alison won about 60k. Saffron broke the slot machines, and hacked out about another 2k. Lucifera won the karaoke competition, and November and Fergus won the dancing competition. They started to insult a lot of the old people, so we got kicked out. Back at home, Mom was waiting. May was there, and she was extremely extremely sad. She had been away while the wedding-funeral happened, and didn't know anything happened. To comfort her, they brought in her real father, Harry Styles. He saw her for the first time, and he started to cry. He never knew she existed, so it was kind of cheesy. Soon, he had to go. They decided to go together, and May was ecstatic. This was the end of the band Seven Directions, as Harry had left to take care of his daughter. 

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