Chapter Twenty Two, Part One

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::Orchid's POV::

I woke up on the couch in the living room and smiled to myself, because we had a celebration for Lucifera's freedom from Vincent. We had all of our friends and family over, and there was music and lots of tasty food. Pepe, our large dog, was letting people ride around on his back. The entire time, November and Fergus locked themselves in their room. 

I walked over to the kitchen to get some snacks, and I saw Mille sitting in the corner. She was crying.

"Hey Millie, you ok?" 


"What's wrong?" 

"A bad man," she said sniffling, "tried to get me." 

"Oh my god! We have to check the security cameras!" I said, running up the spiral staircase to get Mom and Mildred, then back down to get November. We ran to the security room and switched on the systems. 

At exactly 1:58 AM, someone in an orange cat mask had jumped in and found Millie's room, and had her by the wrist, and was trying to get her out the door. She didn't scream. Millie kicked them in the stomach and their mask flew off. I paused it, and zoomed in, and the face looked very familiar. 

Michelle Obama had broken into our house at 1:58 AM to kidnap Millie. 

Of course, we told Millie none of this, and upped our security a little bit more. The entire time, Mildred seemed to be very stressed, with a look of deep worry in her eyes. I pulled her outside of the room. 

"Mildred? Are you alright? You seem little bit freaked out. I know, we are all freaked out, but you seem a little bit more freaked out, you know?" I said, leaning one shoulder on the wall. 

"Oh... It's nothing... Um, I have to go walk TMP. Catch you later Orchid. Oh.. take this." She said, slipping an envelope in my hand, before running down the hall to her room. I walked down to my room and locked the door. I sat down at my desk, and stared at the letter. It was addressed to me, with another name crossed out at the top. It seemed to be written over twenty years ago, with the paper yellowed and the ink faded. 

"Dear (crossed out) Mom, Orchid, 

I am not who you think I am. My name isn't what it is on my birth certificate. My name is Millicent Dabney-Gregory, and I was kidnapped at age eight in 2016. You may be asking how this is possible, but this letter will explain all. After you read this, you will know why I do what I do. 

I was born on October 12, 2008. I was kidnapped on Christmas Eve, 2016, by Jimmy Carter, from my adoptive parents, Fergus and November Gregory. I have no idea why. He pushed me into a time machine with a very tiny St. Bernard puppy, who I would later name TMP. I woke up in an orphanage, Sweet Souls Orphanage, and the TV was broadcasting the news, and I clearly remember hearing President Ronald Reagan give a speech. I knew something was wrong, and then a sweet old woman walked over and started comforting me. She said she had found me in a box with a dog, who she had also saved and put aside for me, and a name tag around my neck that read "Mildred." I was adopted by (crossed out) you, Oprah, in 1988, at the age of twelve, and had tricked myself I was 40 years old. She took me home and cared for me, and I always won the bets on who would win president, because I actually knew who would win. In the early 90's I dyed my hair burgundy red, and later in the decade I began kidnapping people, and the first person I kidnapped was Jimmy Carter's grandson.

(added later) Later, I would kidnap two people: You, Orchid, and Allison. I kidnapped people as an escape, and I got super scared when I saw Millie for the first time.  I knew what would happen to her, and I knew that I couldn't prevent it. Please, when Jimmy Carter comes on Christmas Eve, don't stop him. Doing so would break the timeline. 


                                                                                          Millicent Gregory/Mildred Winfrey"

When I looked up from the letter, I noticed that over two hours had passed, and Mildred was sitting on my bed. 

"Hello Orchid." She said, looking out the window, with a name tag in her hand. 


"So now you know who I am." 

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